Civil Liberties Research Paper

Superior Essays
Jhonatan Jerez
Strayer University
Dr. Jane El-Yacoubi
U.S. Government
May 14, 2017

Civil Liberties events that have influenced a sense of social responsibility in the American Government today.

It is important to start by understanding the differences between Civil Rights and Civil Liberties so the knowledge on each one will help to understand the importance of the event and how this influence the sense of social responsibility in the American Government these days. While the civil rights are basic rights such as right to be free from unequal treatment (based on certain individual characteristics like gender, race, Etc.). Civil liberties are basic freedoms that are guaranteed by the ‘Bill of Rights’ which is the compilation of the first ten amendments of the constitution. The two concepts are commonly misunderstood because of their similarity in concept. Some of the Civil liberties are: Right to bear arm, right to freedom of religion, right to marry, Right to freedom of speech and others. One event that has influenced a sense of social responsibility not only in the American government and its different instances but on Society as well. Is the necessity for a regulation of the right to bear arm and its implications. From a legal stand point, there’s no doubt that this is one of the citizens of united stated civil liberties. However, the lack of regulations to buy and carry a fire arm in certain states is facilitating numerous violent events that unfortunately have taken the lives of many people in the country. A well-known case was the one in San Bernardino in 2015 where a couple of allegedly extremist killed 14 people and injured more than 20 more people that were participating in a Christmas activity from work. Of course, the event immediately raised a discussion over gun control and the importance of a stronger background check for those who make transactions (purchasing-sale) Firearms. At that time, the former president Barack Obama called for a legislation to prevent people that are listed as terrorist from purchasing guns. However, this is a subject that’s still being discussed with no solid response to concerned citizens. A media event that has positively and/or negatively influenced the public’s opinion of a government agency. A very important and discussed event that negatively influenced the image of the candidate for the Republican party, today the president of the U.S. Donald J. Trump. Was the allegedly relationship with Russia and important people at a governmental level. Certainly, the candidate and most followers for the democratic party considered this event something for the citizens to pay attention and consider before the election’s day. However, all the accusations and presumably involvement of Mr. Trump with the Russian government was not enough to convince people of voting for the democratic candidate Ms. Hillary Clinton. Today, independent groups continue the investigation and according to
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Something that makes the two parties unique is their different approach towards the citizens needs and issues in the country in general. For instance, the republican party tends to be more conservative when it comes to spend government money on social programs. Another important aspect is the position of republicans regarding taxation in general and how all citizens should be treated equally regardless their income levels (this is the believe that tax cut should be for everyone and not only affect corporations and wealthy people). In another hand, the democratic party favors the middle and low income families. It’s part of the agenda of the democratic party (according to the ‘Platform’ section of the Democratic website) The party is concerned about the raise of incomes for the middle class as well as supporting working families and protecting worker’s fundamental rights. Personally, I believe the main difference between the two parties is the visualization of how does a great America looks like, e.g. Republicans strongly believe in traditional marriage as the foundation of society, something that democrats are not totally convinced and support full equality under the law of same-sex couples. Nevertheless, this is only a few examples of the differences between the two parties. Stance on Abortion, Military issues, Etc. Is something that’s part of these parties’ agenda and discussed from very different point of views based on their values and

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