One of the comparisons between both companies is that they both do not require any technical skills of the customer when it comes to setting up equipment at home. The setup process for both streaming services is generally simple. In order to set up the Roku Streaming Player, all the consumer has to do is connect the streaming player to their wireless …show more content…
Roku has options that are lower in costs than the prices offered with Chromecast, which will come across more appealing to consumers who are not only looking for a streaming service with more options and content, but a streaming service that is generally inexpensive overall. Chromecast is significantly less user-friendly and cannot perform the same options Roku can. Roku does not require tech savvy users and can be perfect for any user and even families with users of all ages.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES Expected outcome forecast for ROKU India is to create a boomerang effect. It will grow from 100,000 homes to over a million homes within the next 5 years and triple this within the next 10 years. ROKU India will be the largest if not the more inexpensive streaming services that is preferred because of their dedication and professionalism with service as well as entertainment for the whole family. Businesses will love ROKU India due to the ability to advertise their businesses as well as have inexpensive streaming services for their business such as the billboard or television on the main floor of their business or in their conference rooms and waiting areas. Hospitals will save on cable services for their patients. ROKU India will make you feel like you are at …show more content…
It would enable all potential consumers to be able to afford a streaming device at a much cheaper overall price. In addition to saving funds, it would enable funding to go to other resources as well as allow free options to occupy households. There is no monthly charge for a cable bill, which removes the worry of having a service cut off due to late or non-payment and there are many benefits of having the streaming service. There are many options for consumers, from Bollywood to learning channels, which would be free and only if they choose paying services such as HULU and Netflix would there be an additional charge. Overall, Roku would be a great addition to services offered in India as well as a creator of greatly needed opportunities for