World Civilization
Parag Jyoti Saikia
13th March 2018
Christopher Columbus: A Hero or a Villain?
Christopher Columbus, a great Italian explorer, navigator and colonizer of all time was born in 31st October 1451 in Genoa, Italy. Columbus discovered America for the first time in 15th century, which had excelled the importance of all the other events that had ever occurred. He started navigation at the age of fourteen and he had made four voyages to America through the Atlantic. He had laid three ships named the Santa Maria, the Nina, and the Pinta. Coming in contact with Mendoza, a man with extensive information, Columbus got to introduce himself to the Spanish king and queen, Ferdinand and Isabella, who provided him the financial assistance without which his voyage would have never become a success. Christopher Columbus has been considered to be a hero as numbers of people believe that he has contributed much to the exploration and navigation of the world. However, there are number of fallacies regarding this information and he can clearly be considered to be a villain as his unsympathetic deeds …show more content…
Even if Columbus had not sailed to the Americas, it would not make much difference as he was not the only person interested in explorations and expeditions. Much Europeans were focused in exploring and the only difference would be that the Natives wouldn’t have gone through such kind of brutality and cruelty conducted by Columbus. People aren’t much aware about the myth of Christopher Columbus and they still believe that he discovered America. But it’s a completely false fact and he can clearly be considered to be a villain as he has been gaining honor for something that he never did and also conducted genocide of the Native American people. Therefore, he is clearly a