He was the first to sail around the world. He completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. He was the first to discover the world is not flat it is round and there are other places located on the other side of the world. It took him from 1492-1502 to make his voyages around to Asia.
Christopher Columbus’s early childhood. Christopher Columbus was born October/31/1451 in Genoa, Italy, he grew up in a middle class family.
His father Domenico Colombo was a wool weaver, while his mother Susanna Fontanarossa stayed at home and took care of him and his 4 other siblings.
Christopher Columbus had 3 brothers their names are, Bartolomeo, Giovanni Pellegrino and Giacomo, and his sisters name was Bianchinetta. Christopher Columbus was the oldest of his 4 siblings. Christopher Columbus adulthood. Christopher Columbus was married to, Filipa Moniz Perestrelo. They got married in 1474. They had 2 kids. Christopher Columbus started sailing around the world. He died on May/20/1506 from Congestive heart failure. He was 55 years old when he died. Christopher Columbus wanted to find sea routes to the Far East. Columbus wanted to find a new route to India, China, Japan, and the spice island. If he could of reached these island. he would be able to bring back rich cargoes of silks and spices. Columbus knew the world was round so by sailing west wouldn’t of made a difference. Everyone sailed east so Christopher columbus wanted to find a different way and still reach his destination. In 1492 Columbus set sail from Palos in Spain with three ships. Two, the Nina and the Pinta were small ships with triangular sails. The third, the Santa Maria, was a larger ship. They carried about 90 men each. He sailed for 10 weeks straight. They finally saw land, they landed on a island in the bahamas. Christopher Columbus claimed the land and named it San Salvador. He gave the land to the king and queen of Spain. If Christopher Columbus was never born. He couldn’t of inspired new people that are important to history. Columbus brought the achievements and innovations of scientists such as Aristotle, Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. If Christopher Columbus never found America The Native Americans will not have to work as slaves. Christopher Columbus started the slave trade that dominated the south. But if Christopher Columbus was never born someone sometime would of found the new world. Read more at https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/christopher-columbus-0#YB68Ok9DAjciHL3F.99 Read more at https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/christopher-columbus-0#YB68Ok9DAjciHL3F.99 Read more at https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/explore/christopher-columbus-0#YB68Ok9DAjciHL3F.99 Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Columbus?scrlybrkr=f952add0. This website is helpful by it helped me learn about his early childhood. How his life was growing up. It stated that he had 3 brothers and a sister and his family was a middle class family. Charles Scribner's Sons. “Columbus, Christopher.” Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Encyclopedia.com, 2018, www.encyclopedia.com/people/history/explorers-travelers-and-conquerors-biographies/christopher-columbus. This website it helpful by it talks about how there’s a day named after him. It goes in depth why. How he sailed around the world. “Christopher Columbus Explorer.” Christopher Columbus Biography - Italian Explorer, …show more content…
Have you ever wondered, the source and basis if Justinian Code. Whose authority is final in Justinian Code? And how does religion influence Justinian Code? Well all your questions will be answered.
The source of Justinian Code was based on Roman law of the twelve tables. The basis of Justinian Code is that it was organized from Roman civil law. It was confusing, for people to understand or to follow. Roman law was preserved and it updated the Byzantine empire. Justinian Code brought order to the system of the Roman law.
In Justinian Code the authority that finalizing everything is the Byzantine emperors. Nothing can not be a law until it’s passed by the emperor. If it’s not, it will not to be able to become a law. Justinian Code gave power to the emperors. The code said “that which seems good to the emperor, has the force of law”.
Religion influences the laws by the code discriminated against Jews and non Christian it made Orthodox Christianity the official religion. But on the other hand it allowed women to inherit property and protected some individuals rights. Byzantine culture was spread in another way by Orthodox missionaries. Byzantine missionaries converted many Slavs to