Christmas Research Paper

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Holiday Paper

The month of December is a time filled with traditions of many faiths and ethnicities. Of these traditions, the most commonly celebrated is Christmas. The holiday was originally a day of religious celebration for people with Christian beliefs, but Christmas has evolved over the years, and now many people celebrate even if they are not Christian, Although the Christmas sprit of generosity and cheeriness has not changed, many of the traditions of Christmas have changed drastically.
Early Christmas traditions were based in religion. During the middle ages, Christmas was more of a time to honor Jesus rather then to celebrate with gifts. Also in the middle ages, only nobles enjoyed a Christmas feast. Turkey was not included in a
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Here in America, what children look forward the most is for Santa Claus to bring them presents. Christmas eve starts and generally is a preparation for Christmas, but before bed little kids put out cookies for Santa Clause. Early in the morning the Children wake up excited to see what Saint Nick has left for them and beg their parents to go downstairs to open gifts. After all the gifts are opened, a big breakfast is enjoyed. Families usually spend the day together and depending on their religious beliefs might go to a church service that will be extremely over crowded. The next big event of the day is dinner, which usually consist of turkey or ham and other delicious sides. Or a choice that is much less work for the cook in the family is to go out to …show more content…
Boxing Day is a tradition celebrated in England, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. It is a national holiday in those countries, so any one who is working gets a holiday without having to take a vacation day. Boxing day gets its origins from when English lords had servants living in their mansions. In those times Boxing Day was the day savants celebrated Christmas. The reason for the naming boxing is that the servant’s gifts were in boxes. It was not always celebrated the day after Christmas but the typically the first weekday after Christmas. In many South America and Hispanic countries they do not exchange gifts on Christmas but on Three Kings days, which is also known as the Christian Feast Day. The feast is on the twelfth day after Christmas, the date believed when the Magi brought gifts to Jesus. Children who celebrate Three Kings Day write letters to Santa Claus in early January. In Mexico, a common tradition is for children to leave a shoe outside of their door filled with hay, which is for the three kings camels. In the morning, the children will find the hay gone and presents in their shoes. It is a similar tradition as leaving cookies for Santa and stockings on the

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