There is a plethra of religions scattered throughout the world, and some, more than others, connect to their followers deeply and often begin to govern their decisions. Lewis points out that in Christianity “you find out more about God from the Moral Law than from the universe in general just as you find out more about a man by listening to his conversation than by looking at a house he has built” (29). He believes that the moral code can be achieved simpler and easier through the worship of God, rather than through society. He believes that the ideals of God are what Christians should strive for in order to gain unselfishness, courage, good faith, and honesty. However, this belief for a greater morality comes at a price of reducing independency. Christians have to sacrifice their own wants because they believe that God will reward them. They believe their choices will lead them to a much more peaceful and calmer lifestyle, as they believe they can achieve a “personal” connection to God himself. They believe that the Moral Law is governed by God. In their case, Christianity delivers them a sense of a ‘good’ God, since they are following a peaceful and more environment-friendly Moral Law within their society. Conflict between Moral Law and society arises between other religions around the world. Some religions require their …show more content…
“Morality, then, seems to be concerned with three things. Firstly, with fair play and harmony between individuals. Secondly, with what might be called tidying up or harmonising the things inside each individual. Thirdly, with the general purpose of human life as a whole: what man was made for” (72). He first describes morality as a connection between people. He sees behaivor as the main component that builds up that connection, and clearly views religion as the best option to achieve it. Lewis then states that individual spirituality should be wanted in order to achieve solicitude and passion with God in Christianity. Lewis expresses his belief by saying, “You cannot make men good by law: and without good men you cannot have a good society” (73). People should desire a “good” spirit, similar to God, instead of being forced by the law of human nature. Lastly, he believes that all people should understand the importance of God. Lewis wants all humans to understand the meaning and purpose of life. He believes that people should become less self-centered and more caring about society and God. He wants people to recognize that they do not govern themselves and that all people are meant to serve God, since he was the one who created them. Lewis expresses these three parts of morality as if they are religious laws to follow by. He also expresses that Christianity proposes