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Afterlife is a concept seen differently by many religions and cultures, ranging from believing in Buddhism, where after death you come back into another body to believing in Christianity, where you come across judgement to see whether you get sent to Heaven or Hell. Nobody can confirm what happens in Afterlife, the only people who know are the ones who have died and they do not have a way to tell us. There have been many different cases of when people have allegedly experienced ‘the other side’ and making it out alive. Some cases reported that they went to hell with Jesus so that he could show them what the suffering is like. Others have reported that they remember things …show more content…
They believe that upon death, you come across a judgement, which decides whether you go to either Heaven or Hell. The way of getting into Heaven through the Catholic view is to, accept Jesus and put your faith in Him, repent your sins, confess Jesus as Lord to someone and to be Baptised (Clarifying Christianity, 1998).
The way Christians see Heaven is that it is a paradise where there is the throne of God.
The garden of Eden was a connection between this paradise and earth but until the ‘Fall of man’, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, they were banished and paradise separated from earth. It is said that when Jesus died on the cross, is when the gateway to paradise was opened again, and the first to be allowed in was the Good Thief. Through the accepting of Jesus and keeping faith in him you can also be accepted into paradise (Wikipedia, …show more content…
2015. Afterlife - Buddhism Beliefs Afterlife. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/beliefs/afterlife. [Accessed 29 July 2015].
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment. 2015. The Seven Factors of Enlightenment. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/piyadassi/wheel001.html. [Accessed 02 September 2015].
(1998) Getting Right with God, Available at: http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/get_right.shtml (Accessed: 10th September 2015).
(August 28th 2015) Heaven (Christianity), Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven_(Christianity) (Accessed: 11th September 2015).
Buddhist Beliefs about the Afterlife. 2015. Buddhist Beliefs about the Afterlife. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/beliefs/afterlife. [Accessed 10 September 2015].
Buddhist Views of the Afterlife | Immortality Project. 2015. Buddhist Views of the Afterlife | Immortality Project. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.sptimmortalityproject.com/background/buddhist-views-of-the-afterlife/. [Accessed 10 September 2015].
Buddhist View on Death and Rebirth. 2015. Buddhist View on Death and Rebirth. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.urbandharma.org/udharma5/viewdeath.html. [Accessed 10 September