Annotated Bibliography of The Foster Care System Effects on a Child’s Education Working Thesis: Children in the foster care system are less likely to succeed academically. Children in foster care should have their education monitored to ensure they are receiving the proper education for their needs.
Berlin, Marie, et al. “Sage Journals: Your Gateway to World-Class Research Journals.” Journals. Sage, Dec. 2019, The article “Educational Outcomes of Children from Long- Term Foster Care”, was published December 9, 2019 online. Authors Marie Berlin, Bo Vinnerljung, Anders Hjern, and Lars Brannstrom, discuss how parental education affects a child’s education. The article begins with this, “Empirical research has amassed substantial …show more content…
The purpose of this book is to provide information on ways for foster youth to complete a college education and be successful. This book provides detailed information on effective ways to help foster youth and their college outcomes. This would be a good source to use for my paper on my solutions/resources for foster children. It was published about 3 years ago so the information is still relevant today and relates to my topic of effects on foster children's educational outcomes. The author cites his information throughout the book from established sources, which makes this a reliable source for my paper, and the information is verifiable. The author is an assistant professor at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work, so the source is authoritative and reputable. The source does not have any grammatical issues. This book was published by Rutgers University Press. Overall, this is a suitable source for my paper. “Students in Foster Care.” Home, US Department of Education (ED), 5 May 2023, In this article “Students in Foster Care” claim that in