Obesity or overweight has become a deadly disease for millions of American children. Since the mid 1900 the number of obesity children doubled. Since the early 2000, till today nearly one third of American children obese. The United States of America has the highest number of children with obesity. The biggest reason why American Children have developed the highest number of obesity is because of the food that the parents feed them and the lack of exercise. In America parents sometimes prefer to take their children out to eat in fast food places or eat lots of junk food, and drink soda and not exercise. American parents rather treat their children to fast food, instead of going home to cook them a healthy meal. Another reason why American children develop obesity is that they would rather sit in front of a television, instead of going outside to play with their friends. The last leading fact why American children continue to develop obesity is because while playing video games children tend to munch a lot on fatty foods such as chips and candies. These are some of the reasons among why obesity or overweight is so popular in America. Obesity in American children has also grown because of the lack of work American parents put in to avoiding that their child becomes overweight. American parents tend to let their children manipulate them into getting them food that they should not be eating every day. An example would be when parents walk by a Burger King and the child gets a tantrum so that the parent can buy them the food. American parents need to begin learning the word no, because every time they say yes to their children they are hurting them. Many of these obese children grow into teens that would rather stay home watching TV or just laying around eating because they feel that they are ok with their weight. Obesity is also a genetic disease, that it is why it is important for parents to know their family health history and know what diseases is common in their family. American parents need to learn to introduce their children to a healthier life such as eating well and exercising more. It is also important for parents to join support groups with their children so they can learn together with their children how to fight this disease. American Parents can be a great help to their children by saying no to fast food and giving them a fruit or vegetable instead. Obesity is calculated by a special device called body mass index. The body mass index is used to estimate if a child is overweight or normal. With this device it is easy for the pediatrician to calculate the child’s body mass index, to see if it is high or low. Pediatricians …show more content…
Many children suffer of depression and this can become the leading cause of the child overeating, which can cause the child to gain more body fat than their body can hold. The second leading cause of obese in children the imbalance in energy, which includes, genes, eating habits, how and where people live, life habits, and attitudes and emotions. These are the two leading causes of obesity. Obesity has more than these two causes.
Obesity is also the one of the leading causes of many deadly diseases, such as type I diabetes, type II diabetes, cardio disease, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, some types of cancer, kidney disease, and last to a stroke. Obesity is very dangerous for children to develop, because it will cause for the child to develop other dangerous diseases. Many