My prominent childhood memory would start with my love for music. It all started at Mary Hooker school, when I was in fourth grade, there was a talent show for grades fourth and above. I was in class when the school security officer, named Victor, who organizes the talent show, came in with sign up sheets for the talent show. I thought to myself, “Should I sign up?” I was not quite sure what to do. At that moment I thought of the time when I saw students performing years before I could even sign up for it. My friends were encouraging me to join so we could perform together. So, I decided to give it a shot because maybe I would enjoy this and step out of my comfort zone a little bit. As I signed my signature on the paper, I knew from that point on, things would change. Later on that day, I just kept asking myself all these questions: “What if people laugh at me while I’m performing? What if I mess up the lyrics? What if I don’t pass the audition?” Maybe I was overthinking all of this. At least I have my friends to perform with me.
That same week Friday was auditions. I was extremely terrified of performing in front …show more content…
As we were getting ready backstage, the dressing room was packed. Clothes, makeup, and curling irons were thrashed all over the place. The smell of hairspray lingered in the air. It was crazy how much hairspray girls put in their hair. I coughed and walked out of the dressing room when the security officer called all the talent show students together for a pep talk. Victor started giving a speech. “I know you are all a little nervous, but you guys will do so great and I believe in you. You have come all this way. Now it is time to show the crowd out there what you are capable of and have a great time performing. If you mess up, keep going and don’t let anything stop you from doing what you love,” he said. Then, he shouted words of encouragement, “What time is