Employing additional CPS workers and providing proper …show more content…
They are willing to care for both trouble and special children without discrimination of any kind, it will really be important for the agency to develop an appreciate day for all the efforts of the foster parents these will make them realize that the agency is strongly aware of their assistance and encourage them to introduce more people to become foster parents. Establishing a program to celebrate and appreciate the effort of the foster parents should be included in the Child Protective Services events …show more content…
According to Ortega et al (2011), a cultural competence framework challenges workers to develop practice knowledge and skills for working across cultures and with respect to cultural and linguistic differences. Some of the essential elements of cultural competence include valuing diversity, developing cultural self-awareness, appreciating the dynamics of cross-cultural interactions, being knowledgeable about within-group cultural differences and demonstrating an ability to develop service delivery that is relevant and responsive to the diverse and complex needs of the individuals, families, social networks, and