There were several colonies that came together to form the Chesapeake such as Maryland. Virginia, Pennsylvania as well as New Jersey. The First every colony to come to the New world was in the early 1600’s at Jamestown. There was a little over 100 settlers to reside right on the James River, which was a marshy area that had little fresh water and food supply. Malaria was a big problem for them. The leader of this little colony at Jamestown was Captain John smith. There were a few survivors of Jamestown, those who did, ended up teaming up with the local Indian Powhatten tribe. The Powhatten tribe was very …show more content…
As mentioned prior, The Tobacco manufacturing was a thriving industry for The Chesapeake, which also allowed other industries to flourish as a correlation. The tobacco industry was a great way for the plantation owners to come up with enough finance to import more indentured servants. New England on the other hand did not have a thriving consistent cash flow economy like the Chesapeake. The majority of the economy for New England was fishing farming and shipbuilding intensive. The farming on the other hand, was done on a very small scale in comparison, however, there was still revenue coming in. Food was generally only provided for the small families of each farmer. Economic wealth was not a major concern for New