We made houses containing rivercane and plaster. We even had thatched roofs. For ceremonies, we made seven-sided buildings. You may be wondering what our tribe did for fun. Well, we did tons of things! For example, we played games called stickball, chunkey, Blowgun, and Cherokee marbles. We also threw spears. Now, you may know that Natives are known for dancing! Well, we loved to dance. We used drums and flutes for music. We used to sing in “irregular rhythms”. Singing and dancing was used to cure those who were sick. Normally, the men danced in a circle, and the women would dance in
We made houses containing rivercane and plaster. We even had thatched roofs. For ceremonies, we made seven-sided buildings. You may be wondering what our tribe did for fun. Well, we did tons of things! For example, we played games called stickball, chunkey, Blowgun, and Cherokee marbles. We also threw spears. Now, you may know that Natives are known for dancing! Well, we loved to dance. We used drums and flutes for music. We used to sing in “irregular rhythms”. Singing and dancing was used to cure those who were sick. Normally, the men danced in a circle, and the women would dance in