It is in SouthWest Virginia, Western North Carolina and South Carolina, North Georgia, East
Tennessee, and NorthEast Alabama, and claiming even the Ohio River. It says it has not moved ever since.
The Cherokee Tribe lived in tipis. In the winter they lived in houses made of woven saplings, plastered with mud and roofed with poplar bark. In the summer they lived in open-air dwelling roofed with bark.
There wore breechclothes and leggings. Cherokee women wore skirts made out of woven fiber or deerskin. They all wore moccasins on their feet. The men painted their faces with tribal tattoo art.
Cherokee women did most of the farming and harvesting corn, beans, squash, and sunflowers.
Cherokee men did most of the hunting, shooting deer, bear, wild …show more content…
The art they did was pipe carving, rivercane baskets, gourd art, and pottery. They also did traditional crafts.
Other information
There were many famous Native Americans in the Cherokee tribe. The first one was Red Cloud. He was born in 1822 and died in 1909. The next one was Cochise. He was born in 1815 and died in
1874. The next one is Maria TallChief. She was born in 1925 and she has not died yet. The next one is Crazy Horse. He was born in
1840 and died in 1877. The next one is Sacajawea. She was born in 1788 and died in 1812. The next one is Will Rogers. He was born in 1879 and died in 1935. The next one is Pontiac. He was born in 1720 and died in 1769. The next one is Geronimo. He was born in 1829 and died in 1909. The next one is Tecumseh. He was born in 1768 and died in 1813. The next one is the Sitting Bull. He was born in 1831 and died in 1890. The next one is Black Hawk. He was born in 1767 and died in 1838. Then next one is Sequoiah. He was born in 1767 and died in 1843. The next one is
Pocahontas. She was born in 1595 and died in 1617. The last one is Hiawatha. It does not say when he/she was born or has