The main character, Charlie Gordon, was mentally retarded. He had a surgery on his brain that was supposed to make him very smart, for the rest of his life. People would make fun of him for being retarded, then once he had his surgery, they still made fun of him because of the change.
The main idea of this book is to not judge someone without knowing them, and to not make fun of mentally retarded people because you don't know what the went through.
While Charlie was waiting to be approved for the brain surgery, there was a "test" that he had to take to be approved. That test was to try and find a picture, or multiple pictures in a paint splatter. Charlie …show more content…
I believe the author put all of this information in his story because it all makes it more interesting to read for the reader. It creates suspense, so that makes the person reading want to continue reading the story. The story says that Charlie try's for a long time to try to find the picture in the paint. This makes the reader sit on the edge of their seat wondering if Charlie will be chosen for the surgery. Once Charlie was accepted, most readers would be happy for him and would want to know if the surgery worked.
All in all, this story is telling the reader not to judge a book by its cover. Although Charlie was once mentally retarded, he became very smart after his brain surgery. Even after that surgery, people still made fun of him because of the drastic change. Even when people aren't very smart, people should not judge them because they will never know what that person may have gone through, or what will happen in the future that could help them. Although people may seem like they don't know what's happening around them, they will eventually realize who their real friends are, so people should always be nice to each other no matter