They are placed in laboratories that are sterile and indoor. They are forcibly put into cages, which deny their freedom. Most animals never get to experience the outdoors. They miss out on the sun. However, some labs do outside caging by rotating them, which only gives them less amount of time outdoors. Animals that are inside are stuck with having to hear loud noises and seeing bright lights. This can cause animals to stress because of how they are confined in one place. Another thing is that animals don't get the ability of movement or control. It's because of how "many animal experiments utilize restraining devices, [that are] designed to prevent an animal from moving" (""). The restraining devices can be placed on the head, neck, legs, pelvis, or the animal's entire body. Many researchers do stress experiments with the restraining devices on animals by shocking, hanging, or drowning them. The stress experiments can hold animals immobile for months. The experiments that researchers do are to determine human relevance to animals. This stress experiment was to determine the relevance of an animal stress to human stress. Other experiments are tested on animals to determine the effects of how it can be in humans. One experiment is the skin sensitization test. This test is used to determine the sensitization of chemicals on humans. This test involves the use of guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are tested by getting injected with high doses of chemicals on their skin. The chemicals that they are injected with can create an allergic reaction, which could hurt them. However, some researchers try to create test with that are less sensitive such as the Buehler test. The Buehler tests uses multiples doses, but it does not create results that are consistent with the human uses. This can be the same for other tests and it can create more suffering to
They are placed in laboratories that are sterile and indoor. They are forcibly put into cages, which deny their freedom. Most animals never get to experience the outdoors. They miss out on the sun. However, some labs do outside caging by rotating them, which only gives them less amount of time outdoors. Animals that are inside are stuck with having to hear loud noises and seeing bright lights. This can cause animals to stress because of how they are confined in one place. Another thing is that animals don't get the ability of movement or control. It's because of how "many animal experiments utilize restraining devices, [that are] designed to prevent an animal from moving" (""). The restraining devices can be placed on the head, neck, legs, pelvis, or the animal's entire body. Many researchers do stress experiments with the restraining devices on animals by shocking, hanging, or drowning them. The stress experiments can hold animals immobile for months. The experiments that researchers do are to determine human relevance to animals. This stress experiment was to determine the relevance of an animal stress to human stress. Other experiments are tested on animals to determine the effects of how it can be in humans. One experiment is the skin sensitization test. This test is used to determine the sensitization of chemicals on humans. This test involves the use of guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are tested by getting injected with high doses of chemicals on their skin. The chemicals that they are injected with can create an allergic reaction, which could hurt them. However, some researchers try to create test with that are less sensitive such as the Buehler test. The Buehler tests uses multiples doses, but it does not create results that are consistent with the human uses. This can be the same for other tests and it can create more suffering to