The Oxymorons In The Life Of Charles Coward

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Charles Coward is a tremendously heroic man who I believe everyone should know about. Because Charles Coward was so unselfish, countless amount of jews were rescued and lived on. His actions were heroic and took moral courage. But what is Moral courage? The exact definition is “courage that takes place for moral reason.” But it can be described in so many other ways. You can describe it in a story, or maybe a picture. But one of the most impactful ways in my opinion is to describe true moral courage as a person and all that they have done. Charles Coward may be one of the most ironic name of all time. It is an oxymoron in itself. And I will be sharing some acts he has done to make me believe that he is the definition of moral courage, especially during dangerous, and hard times. I would even go as far as to say it was the hardest time to be alive ever. A time where 6 million people were murdered. Charles earned the name “count of Auschwitz” after saving lives of countless jews. He was known as a savior to so many people for the extreme lengths he went to to save lives. “Who is not courageous enough to take risks, with get nowhere in life.” ( Charles did some things that took a mix of brilliance, determination, and toughness. He would take dead bodys and use them as decoy prisoners in Auschwitz while he helped others escape. Not only did he help people escape but he would escape and come back for people after he escaped several times. Charles did some of the most courageous acts of all time during the most graceful and disturbing times in history. …show more content…
He did all of these acts during the Holocaust. “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in life”. ( He risked his life for innocent jews held captive that he did not even know. The measures Coward went to were extreme and the exact definition of not only courage, but moral courage as well. Charles Coward took advantage of every opportunity he could. He turned getting captured by Nazi soldiers and used that opportunity to save lives. “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” ( Actions like that can influence a life. Charles Coward has impacted so many lives including my own. Anyone who reads the stories about what he has done for prisoners will be impacted greatly. It has taught me that there is more to life than myself and that if I want to make my life better I need to make others lives better as well. “To live pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” ( Everyone can learn something from the actions he did. Charles Coward would supply prisoners with food and other necessities. “You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose to sight of the shore.” ( Someone who is that unselfish, and courageous should recieve a many more recognition than he has. Since Charles Coward taught us all what moral courage was, we can all learn from that and make our lives a great deal better. Charles has saved lives going to the most extreme measures. He did it all during the most dangerous time to be alive in the most dangerous place. He has taught us how to take risks for not just ourselves but also for others

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