Character Of Ellie Linton

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1. Describe each of the main characters.
Ellie Linton was brought up on a cattle farm on the edge of Wirawee. She is the voice of the story. With her independents and resilience, makes her a good contribution to the group. She thinks rationally more of the time than letting her emotions comes though. Ellie describes herself as stocky and plain looking, with brown hair and eyes. Ellie feels responsible for her friends.
Lee is mature, withdrawn and unsocial, but also caring, dependable and considerate of others. Lee is highly intelligent and passionate about piano and violin. And shows his interest with passion and intensely. The passion he shows in action is fierce and aggressive, which shows a new side to the quite Lee we are familiar of.
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Describe when playing netball with Ellie as being determined and aggressive. She is brave and makes point that even though the war was forced upon them, she will not kill any of the enemy. She is described as being short, but strong and ‘nuggety’.
Kevin is your ‘typical rural’, he is older than the rest of the group being seventeen. ‘He is known for having a big ego’, pg. 14. Before the war he lived on a farm. In the group he didn’t get alone with Ellie. Out of the group he has the most hate for the invaders, “‘I hate them,’ said Kevin. ‘I don’t know why you’re all being so understanding. I just hate them and I want to kill them all and if I had a nuclear bomb I’d drop it right down their throats.’”
Chris does not fit in and does not care type of characters. Chris is describe as a geniuses, but never seems to fully understand the situation. He finds it hard to connect with the group, whom are willing to care and engage with him. He is lonely, depressed resulting in drugs to withdraw into his own world in his head. He is socially rebellious and likes to smoke, use bong, giving him a senses of chill. He is small built and opposite to his
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The Book begins with a intro from the main character, Ellie explaining why she is writing about what she and the group have done. Hoping it will all matter. The film is about less than a minute, the book is 2 pages long. The film is more interesting.
4. How do you think you would react if something (like a war) happened in your life?
If a war happened on the door steps of Australia in my life time, I probably would gather food, water and supplies before other people started looting. I would probably look for a place where I could service on the land and be protected from poachers and the invaders. In ways I would react would be pretty normal to how I would in everyday life, I would say I’m pretty good under pressure.

5. Characters grow and change during the course of the story.
At the beginning of the novel Homer is quite a senseless weak. He over comes his inner feels and learns how to express them, for others to see. Though the chapters you see Homer mature and become a leader. Becomes to learn to be a fast thinker, and a leader to the group.
Kevin in the beginning of the war appeared scared and at times a coward. But at the end of the book he finds his courage by taking Corrie to the

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