First, let's start off with some of the evil deeds that the Monster does. The creature for starters kills Victors younger brother William. The reason for the monster doing this is because William makes fun of the creature for being so different, since he is made from different body parts but the creature had no intent in hurting the boy. The…
In works of literature, authors will use a foil character of the protagonist to illuminate differences and similarities between the two and elucidate the protagonist’s true character. In Frankenstein, Or The Modern Prometheus, the creature is the best known foil character of Victor Frankenstein because the two contrast yet resemble each other in several aspects. The divergent characteristics of the two allow the reader to harvest important flaws in each. With the creature and Victor having contradicting personalities and histories, the reader can easily distinguish specific accented qualities of each. The creature is a more potent foil for Victor Frankenstein because of his success in highlighting their differences and similarities through their origins, personalities, and appearances.…
In the words of Mitch Albom, “All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers.” Parenting, much like cruelty, leaves an irrevocable mark. In Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, Shelley uses cruelty to expose the contrast between the perpetrator and victim-…
C. Main Point #3 1 . A . Frankenstien’s creature was physicaly , thougt not intentionally, made to kill. B . Victor Frankenstein made his creature of corpes , or dead people .…
Having experienced the misery of solitude and the anguish of neglect, the damage that Victor bestowed upon his creation ultimately determined his destiny. The domino effect of the complex Victor possessed was a statement by Shelley. As the pain that the creature faced in his desolace built up throughout the novel, and the desires for a companion were denied by his creator, the creature allowed himself to be “borne away by the stream” (Shelley 99) of anger. Shelley’s statement is relevant through the creature's vengeful actions.…
When Victor meets his creature on the mountain, the creature expresses his dire pain and sorrow for his existence, stating that his “soul glow[s] with love and humanity; but [is he] not alone, miserably alone?” (69). He also takes refuge away from man toward “the desert and dreary glaciers” (69). Shelley depicts the creature as correlated to nature, as he struggles with a connection toward man due to his rejection. However, Shelley’s statement that the creature expresses his “humanity” within himself only further supports the belief that the creature is equal to man, so he does not understand why everyone despises him.…
Could you imagine being a child that is eight foot tall? Childhood and adolescence are two factors that affect the rest of one’s life. Each and every child goes through a different childhood. One might grow up in times of innocence and a sense of wonder, and another might grow up in times of tribulation and terror. The contrast between Victor’s idyllic childhood and the Creature’s isolated upbringing affects their development throughout the novel.…
The creature meets Victor’s brother William and cannot control himself when he learns the boy’s name. “Frankenstein! You belong to my enemy – tom him towards whom I have sworn eternal revenge: you shall be my first victim”, he exclaims. (16.30) The creature is unhappy and rejected by all.…
Victor loses his sense of attachment after he witnessed or heard about the deaths of Elizabeth, William, and Henry. He plans to save himself after he promises to track the creature down and kill him, but instead died before he could catch him. He felt responsible for the deaths of William, Elizabeth, and Henry because he created the creature and it lead to the creature creating destruction in his family. Victor felt the isolation and revenge after the creature had killed his family and friend which, in return, lead to Victor wanting to get back at him for what he had done. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley displays many themes that derived from topics within the story.…
He admires his appearance, character and health. He describes this in the opening pages through his letters to Elizabeth by saying “I must say also a few words to you, my dear cousin, of little darling William. I wish you could see him, he is very tall of his age, with sweet laughing blue eyes, dark eyelashes, and curling hair. When he smiles, two little dimples appear on each cheek, which are rosy with health”. This could therefore mean he wants William dead?…
He would often yearn to dive into it to cleanse himself of the responsibility of Justine and William’s death. He would wish to become one within nature because it was beautiful and calm, opposite of what Victor thought of himself, a man riddled with guilt and fear. The creature, in a similar state of loneliness and depression, wandered throughout the forest regaining “pleasure, that had long appeared dead, revive within me…forgetting my solitude and deformity, dared to be happy” (Shelley 129). Nature affects the creature exceedingly, turning his emotions in a complete 180°, in spite of being lonely. The creature is in comfort of the beauty of nature.…
In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, she presents the notion of the qualities that make up villains and victims. Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the creature, is utterly shocked when the creature comes to life causing him to flee. Due to Victor’s fleeing, the creature is forced to learn about life independently and suffer through many situations. Though many would argue that the creature is the victim of the novel, his actions clearly prove that he is the villain. One of the first situations the creature is in is his encounter with William.…
This is when the monster seeks out Frankenstein and meets his brother, William. Only to kill him because he finds that he is related to Frankenstein. At this point, the creature make a dramatic shift in character. He realizes that he has sunk into a point of no return when he killed William. “I gazed on my victim, and my heart swelled with exultation and hellish triumph: clapping my hands, I exclaimed, ‘I, too, can create desolation; my enemy is not invulnerable; this death will carry despair to him, and a thousand other miseries shall torment and destroy him’”…
“Story analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley” Mary was born in 1797 as Mary Wollstonecraft. Just 10 days after given birth to Mary her mother had died not even knowing she gave birth to a baby girl. Mary’s father was left alone with his newborn baby and a 2 year old. Both kids were products of an affair. Mary’s father was a political activist and was known to be a brilliant man.…
Since Shelley equates the development of the Creature to that of a human infant/child, albeit extremely, and Victor to his originator, the initial disregard Victor has for the Creature just after it has been brought to life results in a lack of understanding…