Language Arts
Mrs. Dillon
5 October 2016
After reading the novel, Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, there have been obvious times when the characters incorporated in the book decide to use their powerful voices to get their point across. Two of these wonderful characters include main character Melinda Sordino and her lab partner David Petrakis. Melinda Sordino had ruined the end-of-the-summer party by calling the police. Her friends have stopped talking to her since, and others begin to hate her and make fun of her for doing the right thing. Melinda can’t tell anyone why, for the fear of using her voice and being bullied even more than she already is. David Petrakis, Melinda’s smart lab partner is a good student. But he believes …show more content…
When Melinda is taking down her artwork in the vacant janitor's closet, she is rudely interrupted and then brutally attacked by “It” or Andy Evans. Andy Evans is her worst fear. As Melinda is being attacked, she begins to scream “ Nnnooo,” (194) and “I said no.” (195) She saves herself just in time by telling Andy that she will not just sit around and hope to not be killed. She tells Andy Evans to go away and that she is fed up with him. Eventually, Andy Evans is then presumably expelled. Also, Melinda decides to use her voice to tell her amazing art teacher, Mr. Freeman everything that was troubling her recently. “‘You’ve been through a lot, haven’t you?’ The tears dissolve the last block of ice in my throat. I feel the frozen stillness melt down through the inside of me, dripping shards of ice that vanish in a puddle of sunlight on the stained floor. Words float up… ‘Let me tell you about it.’” Melinda then presumably proceeds to tell Mr. Freeman everything that is troubling her, the first person she will tell everything to. She trusts him. She trusts him to help her. Clearly, Melinda Sordino uses her voice in the novel to stop people from hurting her, and to tell the truth to …show more content…
First, David asks the main character with him to a after-game party when he notices Melinda alone. Melinda makes up an excuse to not go, because she is scared. “Melinda One: ‘Get a life. It's just pizza. He wasn't going to try anything. His parents were going to be there. You worry too much. You're never going to let us have any fun, are you?’ Melinda Two: ‘The world is a dangerous place. You don't know what would have happened. What if he was just saying his parents were going to be there?’”(132) Melinda half regrets not going to with david to his party. And the other half is glad she didn’t go because of all the things that could’ve happened. With this David also explains to us how he uses his voice to comfort Melinda, but unintentionally makes Melinda worse. Second, David Petrakis tells Mr. Neck that he is being intolerant, irrational and racist during the lesson. “He says a million things without saying a word. I make a note to study David Petrakis. I have never heard a more eloquent silence.” (57) Mr. Neck’s son cannot get a job as a firefighter. He complains that he should be allowed to get it because his family has lived in America for a long time and that he is more “worthy” than other citizens. David tells the history teacher about his inappropriate behavior towards the topic and the