Both young teenage girls with different lives in the same urban setting are not only trying to find more about themselves but also helping and satisfying other's needs. Throughout the storyline, they are both trying to fight out their way of the local norms. Mari, a young troublesome girl, just moved into the city and was trying to support her family after her father's passing. She wasn't really into school and was very rebellious. Then she met Mosquita a shy and quiet girl following the dreams of her parents, by getting good grades and thinking about going to college. She also struggled to find herself and was always pleasing others instead of herself. Mosquita is seen as a smart, quiet girl who always put others before herself living every day as if it was a norm and this made her feel lost. Although she would get good grades and praised upon her accomplishments, she always felt like something was missing. Her friends from school were always taking advantage of her, not really acknowledging her presence. Once meeting Marí she was drawn to her and never understood why as she never could put her finger on what was so different about her. Mosquita would help Mari with her math homework …show more content…
Both very confused over what they were feeling they still hanged out and sometimes got jealous of what the other would do. As for example at one-point Mosquita was talking to a guy and he began developing feelings for her and Marí became jealous, but of course didn't showed it. Another time was when Mosquita was upset that Marí would rather work then hang out with her. After going through their jealously faze, they of course stayed friends and knew that if they were to have feeling for each other, they couldn't become a relationship because in their society it was very rare for couples like them to come out it was very unheard of. They were not able to show their true colors due to also their parents probably finding it not appropriate t0 for them to be together too.
Into the movie we tend to see the vivid culture in Huntington Park. It taught me that within small cities such as Huntington Park these young students go through so much in their daily life and a movie like this showcases it. They are trying to survive each day and try to find their true selves. From their parents wanting and sometimes pushing them to get an education. How Marí is sacrificing so much to help her family makes end meets due to her father's passing. There's and more are some cultures that we see in the movie that people in this Latino setting have created to self-identify