I believe the problem statement is due to the technology of internet and the social impacts of nonprofit organizations, nonprofit organizations may use organizational web sites to promote advocacy and influence civic engagement. However, some researchers have announced that internet would not affect the advocacy and civic engagement. The research questions are: what factors influence nonprofit promotion of advocacy and civic engagement on Web sites? And how does e-advocacy contribute to the broader discussion of the relationship between nonprofits and the regulator environment?
2) What are the major concepts in the research? Are they clearly defined? How? Are there any limitations in the conceptualization of key concepts?
I believe the major concept is that the mission, …show more content…
Do the measurements seem to be valid and reliable? Do the authors try to establish the validity and reliability of their measures?
The concepts are operationalized by randomly selected 200 participants from 7106 form the 10 counties in San Francisco Bay Area. At the end, there are 264 available organizations who participated in the research.
The measurements seem to be valid but unreliable to me. The measurements give the results of what researchers are looking for. However, there is a sampling error. The 264 participants are rather small, concentrated annual budgets and only cover four areas, human services, education, arts and culture, and health, which can not represent the whole population of nonprofit organizations.
I believe that the author try to establish the validity and reliability of the measurements by adding some of the control variables to control the measurements. However, I still believe that the measurements are unreliable, because of the sampling error.
4) Are any hypotheses stated? Are these hypotheses justified in terms of theory or previous