Challenges In Shakespeare's Grendel

Improved Essays
Kristena Westerfeld
English 11- Beowulf essay: personal dragons

Throughout life, there are many obstacles that are faced day after day. Some obstacles bigger and more difficult than others. These obstacles faced can be either physical or mental and are found in today 's everyday life, the poem Beowulf and the story Grendel. Mental obstacles come in many different shapes and sizes, in real life or through a story. Anxiety and depression are common obstacles among most people in today 's society. These two obstacles are nearly impossible for some, not all, to overcome. In the novel Grendel, the main character Grendel faces a huge mental obstacle throughout his life that can be related to depression. Grendel 's
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Correspondingly, Grendel grew to believe the world was against him. When Grendel says "The world resists me and I resist the world 'I said '. That 's all there is. The mountains are what I define them as. ' "(28) this is showing his obstacles of isolation and depression combined. The quote is showing his obstacles by telling how he views the world and how the world views him. Since the world resists him and who he is, he does the same to everyone else, he isolates himself in fear of rejection. Sadly, Grendel never got the chance to overcome his obstacle because he was killed in a fight against Beowulf, the monster slayer, whose job was to kill Grendel. As a person diagnosed with anxiety, relating to Grendel is very easy. Having anxiety makes it very hard to enjoy life sometimes and makes its exponentially hard to feel accepted. Like Grendel, anxiety also makes it hard to make friends because of the chance of rejection and being judged. As just proved, mental obstacles in both real life and literature are difficult to overcome and effect whoever is facing it.

As stated earlier, there are other obstacles than just mental, there are physical obstacles. Physical obstacles could consist of bullying, injuries, and or illnesses. An example of a physical obstacle is found in the epic poem Beowulf is Grendel 's ability to deflect weapons. This is a physical obstacle for Beowulf
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Fortunately, Beowulf completed his last obstacle before his death and died in protecting his people. Other than fighting mythical creatures, physical battles occur in real, current day society. A major battle is illnesses. For me, diabetes is my biggest physical obstacle. For my first few years having diabetes, it made my life very hard and at times, I didn 't see a future or even life where I am today. The diabetes can reflect Beowulf 's death because in a way, they 're both an obstacle nobody can control one hundred percent. A more common physical obstacle in today 's society is sports injuries or just injuries in general. An injury can take an athlete out of a sport for months at times. If Beowulf were to get an injury at any time, that could 've prevented him from fighting the battles he fought. Luckily, Beowulf never had to face an injury that held him back from protecting and serving his

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