He then started to read about St. Francis, Gandhi and nonviolence. He then became an organizer for Ross' organization, the Community Service Organization (CSO) and his first task was voter registration.
Cesar Chavez created the UFW, United Farm Workers, in 1962. Dolores Huerta joined Chaves so that the union could be born. The same year that the union was born, his Brother designed the flag that will represent them. The flag is black and red colors with an Aztec Eagle symbol. Chavez says that when people see the symbol it means pride. There weren’t many due paying members in 1962, but by 1970 the UFW got grape growers to accept union contracts and had effectively organized most of that industry. Before that, in 1966, there was 340 mile march from Delano to Sacramento because of the grape growers strikes. During the march, farmworkers and supporters carried banners saying Huelga (strike) and Viva La Causa (Long live our cause). The marchers wanted the state government to pass laws so that they can be permitted to organize with different unions and allow collective bargaining agreements. Chavez …show more content…
One day earlier, the UFW were in Yuma trying to help the UFW attorneys defend the union against a lawsuit brought by Bruce Church Inc. Bruce Church wanted the farm workers to pay millions of dollars for all the damages that they did resulting from a UFW boycott of its lettuce during the 1980's. A trial was was held in Arizona and UFW President Arturo Rodriguez was there when the trial was going on. He believed that the boycotts that the farm works did the right thing on boycotting Bruce Church Inc. letture and he was determined to prove it in the court, but he died standing up for their First Amendment right to speak out for themselves. After the trial, Chavez drove to San Luis, Arizona, about 20 miles from Yuma, like at about 6 pm to a friends and former farm workers house named Dofla Maria Hau. He and eight other UFW leaders stayed in the house. Chavez ate dinner at 9 pm and they talked about the events that happened that day. They also talked about taking care of each other and starting to recruit new people. At 10 or 10:30, the UFW founder went to bed and a union staff said that he was seeing a reading light from Chavez's room. The following day at 6am, the light was still on. They say that Chavez usually wakes up very early. It was 9am and the light was still on. They thought that this isn’t