Cesar Chavez did not eat for three weeks and four days to vanish this combative argument. If you referred back to the bibliography on Cesar Chavez, on page one it would state “He became very weak. Other members of the union had to work to keep the union going. Chavez’s fast succeeded in bringing peace to the union.” By this I could tell that Cesar Chavez was not alone, a lot of people supported his decision of equality for farmworkers. Additionally, Cesar Chavez has motivated a numerous amount of people. In other words, in the bibliography of Cesar Chavez it would state on page eighty-one that “Because Chavez had worked in the fields, workers believed he understood their problems. Many people (afterwards) joined Chavez” By this I understood why people joined the union. Cesar Chavez understood people! He understood other people’s feelings! So this is why equality was earned for the farmworkers. Cesar Chavez understood other people feelings and thoughts. Cesar Chavez understands people. Cesar Chavez is why farmworkers are equal …show more content…
Callie embodied courage because she ran away to get freedom. Callie like it said in the text ran and ran so she could find the safe house she was looking for. On page twenty in the story “Escape to Freedom” it would indicate the sentence “I (Callie) made it to the safe house” By this sentence I could tell that Callie ran and ran really hard to find the safe house. Sure it does not explain a lot but I could tell that Callie was saying this in a-catch-of-breathe kind of feeling. William (in my perspective) showed the most courage out of all the important characters in the text. This is because on page fifth-teen in the story “Escape to Freedom” it would designate the sentence “Thomas handed me (William) a lady dress and a blue hat. I (William) put it on and a white man gave me a carriage ride.” This sentence made me the understand that William Ballard would’ve even become a woman to take attain freedom. To conclude this paragraph, I would like to say, even though these characters are fictional I believe you should not think that and think it was