As stated by Wendy McElroy, “Having shrewdly used his [President Clinton] personal life to further his political career, Clinton cannot object when others question whether the carefully scripted images are accurate.” (Source B). Clinton leaked staged instances to the public which are false and should be framed for lying. Being a public figure and lying to the public is unjust on himself and society. He shouldn’t go unpunished if he has lied to the public. Vincent M. DeGrandpré stated that, “...the demand for celebrity images and information is driven in large part by society’s communication needs and by our respective need to forge personal identity.” (Source C). This is from a less negative perspective, but it still shows how celebrities need to accept that their open status prevents them from having a private life. Celebrities have become a connecting force in society for people to connect about similar interests and when a celebrity’s image is posted for the public to see, it violates their privacy. Celebrities must accept that when they affect social change due to their lives, private and open, that there are prices that have to be paid such as a private life. Celebrities should be entitled to a private life, because they still are people with the same rights other
As stated by Wendy McElroy, “Having shrewdly used his [President Clinton] personal life to further his political career, Clinton cannot object when others question whether the carefully scripted images are accurate.” (Source B). Clinton leaked staged instances to the public which are false and should be framed for lying. Being a public figure and lying to the public is unjust on himself and society. He shouldn’t go unpunished if he has lied to the public. Vincent M. DeGrandpré stated that, “...the demand for celebrity images and information is driven in large part by society’s communication needs and by our respective need to forge personal identity.” (Source C). This is from a less negative perspective, but it still shows how celebrities need to accept that their open status prevents them from having a private life. Celebrities have become a connecting force in society for people to connect about similar interests and when a celebrity’s image is posted for the public to see, it violates their privacy. Celebrities must accept that when they affect social change due to their lives, private and open, that there are prices that have to be paid such as a private life. Celebrities should be entitled to a private life, because they still are people with the same rights other