Ccr5 Unit 1 Term Paper

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A new study has been developed in hopes of treating and curing HIV. The main agent is a protein called ZFN that can delete another protein called CCR5. The CCR5 is required for certain types of HIV to enter and infect your T-Cells. T-Cells are white blood cells the body uses to fight HIV, but the most important of these are CD4 T-Cells. HIV is known to infect the CD4+ T-Cells in your blood. The new treatment being studied involves removing white blood cells from the blood that contains CD4+ T-Cells. The CD4+ T-Cells that are extracted are then genetically modified by the ZFNs to be resistant to infection by HIV by removing the CCR5 gene from the surface of the CD4+ T Cell where the HIV enters the cell. Researchers anticipate that the modified cells will be resistant to infection by HIV and will be able to reproduce more resistant CD4+ T-Cells in your body. …show more content…
The treatment for nursing HIV is that CD4+ T-Cells are modified with ZFNs, so killing the CD4+ T-Cells prevents HIV. The experimental group is up to 20 subjects with heterozygote CCRS delta-32 mutation who will receive a single intravenous infusion. The independent variable in this study is the modification of the CDF+ T-Cells with ZFN. The dependent variable is the prevention or no prevention of HIV. No controls were used in this study. The outcome is that ZFN modifying CD4+ T-Cells is safe for humans and the adjustment of the T-Cells help prevent

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