The acts that the British passed against the colonist also lead to the continental congress as well.Some of the acts passed Are the Proclamation of 1763,The Stamp Act, and The Townshend Act. These acts were one of the first thing that made the colonist hate the British. But in response of the boycotting and the Boston Tea Party the British passed the Intolerable Acts Against the colonists Which included the Boston Port act, the Massachusetts Government Act, the administration of justice act, the Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act. These acts caused the meeting of the first and second continental congress. The first Congress first met on September 5th, 1774 and ended on October 26th, 1774. The second one first met on May 10th, 1775 and ended on March 1st, 1781. These Continental Congress’s did many things for the colonists including Banning British goods and eventually writing the Declaration of Independence. Between the acts passed against the colonists to the meeting of the first and …show more content…
Because of how expensive the French and Indian War was Britain started taxing the colonists for tea. The colonists were not happy about this and they started boycotting the British tea. On December 16th, 1773 a group of colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded The Beaver, Dartmouth, and Eleanor, three British ships that were carrying Three hundred and forty chests of tea and threw it all overboard. In today's money that cost $1,700,000 and the British responded by passing The Intolerable Acts. The Boston Tea Party was a big step against Britain in the Pre-Revolutionary