Catheter Research Paper

Improved Essays
Usage of a Peripherally inserted Catheter and Central Catheter

Heather Welschmeyer
Mrs. Stark
Medication Calculation and Administration

Central line care and education is important to the patient as well as the family members. Central lines need special requirements and care to maintain. Patients need to be fully educated on care and usage in order to keep the central line functional and free from infection. Since the central line involves a puncture site, it would be easy for infection to take place at the site or in the bloodstream. Proper care and maintenance is crucial.

There are two types of central lines, Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter and Central
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This is a long, thin, hollow tube that is flexible and moves easily with the patient’s blood vessels. The PICC is inserted into the patients arm around the antecubital area also referred to as the bend of the arm. The catheter is transported through the vein until it reaches the Superior Vena Cava where medications are then deposited.
There are two types of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters:
1. Groshong: This kind of PICC “self-seals.” It does not require a clamp due to the slit that opens in the end of the tubing and allows fluid to enter upon administration or blood to be extracted during blood draws. The slit remains closed while it is not being used.
2. Open-ended: This kind of PICC does not contain a slit in the tubing but an open ended tube. It does require a clamp. Nurse has to be careful to clamp the line each time after use so blood does not secrete out.
PICC lines are used more commonly than Central venous catheter lines due the low risk of infection and complication. The use of PICC lines are normally for patients who are receiving frequent medications or treatments of a condition. Antibiotics and blood draws can be accessed through the PICC line. Patients are able to live their normal life with the PICC line in and come to the facility to obtain treatment and medications as frequent as possible per doctor’s orders. The PICC line can be used for a long period of time.
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Flushing needs to take place before and after administration of medications to keep the line clean.
2. Flush when you change to a new bag, as well as new tubing. Flush all new equipment.
3. When your central line is not being accessed on a daily basis, keeping the line flushed daily will keep clots from forming and causing the central line to have to be removed and changed. Steps involved in flushing a central line:
1. Gather supplies and place near patient. Wash hands and apply gloves.
2. Get the flushes ready to use
3. Clean the tip of the catheter cap with an alcohol swab. Do not touch the cap against anything after it has been cleaned.
4. Attach the flush to the central line and unclamp the line.
5. First flush with the Sodium Chloride slowly. Clamp the line when flush is done
6. Then use the Heperin flush
7. Hand hygiene
Here are problems, appearances and solutions that can occur with a central line:
Problems with central line
Signs and Symptoms
Air that is in the central line (air embolism)
SOB if it is contained in the lungs (pulmonary embolism), dizziness, tingling in the arms or legs, stroke or coma
Clamp line, (call 911 if the patient at home) and the provider, lie down in the left lateral position, prop feet and lower

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