Christopher is 11 year old boy who is currently in the fifth grade. He is very smart and outgoing student who loves to read. However Christopher has been referred to have an evaluation due to his behavior, completing task, verbal impulsivity, and restlessness. Christopher is a very happy student when he is active when working a task, and always wants to do more after each task is complete. Christopher has a very hard time when it comes to listening to instruction, staying focus on task at school, and at home. When Christopher frequently for gets of misplaces things at home. When Christopher is in class he is very jittery, and restless has a hard time sitting still in class. …show more content…
Christopher is known for bringing toys from home to school playing with them in the middle of class time. The teacher frequently reminders Christopher how important it is to stay focused in class, however he is cooperative with the teacher when given direct instruction in the classroom. Christopher is very excited about his reading skills in the classroom, but he struggles with math and completing classroom assignment on time. Christopher frequently gets in trouble in class for excessive talking during class time. He also blurts out hurtful remarks to his peers, and has a hard time sharing in the classroom. He sometimes gets into arguments with his peer because of his impulsivity, and he wants to be in charge. When he is at home Christopher likes to play with his brother who has been diagnosed with ADHD. “Christopher’s symptoms include his needs to be busy, fidgeting, leaving his seat in the classroom, excessive talking, blurting out remarks, and intrusive interaction. Using the two-factor model of ADHD, descriptions of children as having …show more content…
Learning disabilities can occur when children are diagnosed with ADHD. If a person is diagnosed with ADHD research has said there could be a 50% chance that their off spring could has ADHD. However ADHD is hereditary research has find that ADHD can be transmitted depending on the person and many other genetic factors. ADHD etiology could be linked to a disorder of the neurotransmitter function, more specifically, dopamine and norepinephrine. Research has been concluded that dopamine is necessary in the regulation of learning, maintaining trained or conditioned responses, and motivated behaviors (Aosaki,