Kotter’s eight steps
Dr. Kotter developed a methodology, the 8-Step Process, using a combination of observed success factors after identifying that leaders and organizations were trying to execute business strategies and make transformations. The John Kotter's 8-step change model is used in many industries as a model to effect organizational change. The Adult Learning Center is a Saudi Arabian organization under the Minister of Education, in which I had formerly worked, and it is responsible for providing professional teacher development.
The organization’s tradition of using paper and pencil work submissions, Standard textbooks, and assignments in hard copies was being phased out by technology, and hence, failing to prepare the learners adequately for the workplace conditions leading to a rise in the dropout rates. Change was needed to move the …show more content…
The non-involvement of the workers in the first step could have caused the witnessed resistance to the change.
The organization succeeded in setting up a guiding coalition of six employees to compose the change team. The employees were responsible for developing and implementing additional ideas to the enforced change in the organization. The guiding coalition ensured a minimum mass member support to the change; the number should grow progressively to avoid being overtaken by the opposition that could in turn stop the change.
By setting up a vision to have all the employees adopt the new technological advancements in a period of one year and to continually enhance development on the same, helped to achieve a higher success for the professionally developed teachers that would be more competitive in the