As a GP, I will have to work with a wide range of other professionals with one goal which is geared towards improving Hilda’s health situation. I will liaise with the Hospital social workerwhen it comes to making referrals for Hilda to services such as counselling, therapeutic, educational services. I will also encourage Hilda to continue attending the education classes with Daphne at the University of the Third Age. This will not only improve Hilda’s psychological well-being but her social and physical well-being as well. Also, I will assist the Occupational Therapistto encourage Hilda to walk regularly and make Hilda aware of the advantages of walking. This will improve Hilda’s physical mobility mental wellbeing. In addition, I will encourage Hilda to join social groups such as Age UK whose aim is improving the lives of people aged over 60 and providing health and wellbeing services amongst other services. Hilda may find some of these services useful to improve her physical and emotional health. Furthermore, I will make sure that through the Hospital Social Worker, the shelteredaccommodation Manager should keep Hilda’s house safe for mobilityand her environment should be safe at all times. The sheltered accommodation Manager should also be available at all times in case of any emergency. This will prevent Hilda from falling and further injuries.More so, I will work together with the Hospital Social Workerand Hassan to ensure care is provided to Hilda at her home. Hassan will need to assist Hilda with making an application to the local council for her care. Since Hilda is still mobile with reduced independence, Hilda will be able to seek Attendance Allowance (AA) (Age UK, 2015). Hilda’s care cost will also be accessed by the local
As a GP, I will have to work with a wide range of other professionals with one goal which is geared towards improving Hilda’s health situation. I will liaise with the Hospital social workerwhen it comes to making referrals for Hilda to services such as counselling, therapeutic, educational services. I will also encourage Hilda to continue attending the education classes with Daphne at the University of the Third Age. This will not only improve Hilda’s psychological well-being but her social and physical well-being as well. Also, I will assist the Occupational Therapistto encourage Hilda to walk regularly and make Hilda aware of the advantages of walking. This will improve Hilda’s physical mobility mental wellbeing. In addition, I will encourage Hilda to join social groups such as Age UK whose aim is improving the lives of people aged over 60 and providing health and wellbeing services amongst other services. Hilda may find some of these services useful to improve her physical and emotional health. Furthermore, I will make sure that through the Hospital Social Worker, the shelteredaccommodation Manager should keep Hilda’s house safe for mobilityand her environment should be safe at all times. The sheltered accommodation Manager should also be available at all times in case of any emergency. This will prevent Hilda from falling and further injuries.More so, I will work together with the Hospital Social Workerand Hassan to ensure care is provided to Hilda at her home. Hassan will need to assist Hilda with making an application to the local council for her care. Since Hilda is still mobile with reduced independence, Hilda will be able to seek Attendance Allowance (AA) (Age UK, 2015). Hilda’s care cost will also be accessed by the local