Genotyping of Human ABO Blood Group
Molecular Biotechnology
Fong Fuk Ka (140280041)
Liu Ka Hin (140123508)
A. Results and analyses
1. Show your gel photos (PCR and RFLP) with clear figure numbers, titles and legends.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 1 PCR products of two partial segments of ABO locus in human DNA shown on agarose gel from group 6. Well 1 was blank, well 2 was 100bp ladder, well 3 was own sample (5/6), well 4 was own sample (7/8), well 5 was unknown N (5/6), well 6 was unknown N (7/8), well 7 was negative control (5/6) and well 8 was negative control (7/8). The own sample was from Liu Ka Hin. Fragment size of PCR product was estimated about 421bp in well 6. …show more content…
Well 1 was blank, well 2 was 100bp ladder, well 3 was own sample (5/6), well 4 was own sample (7/8), well 5 was unknown N (5/6), well 6 was unknown N (7/8), well 7 was negative control (5/6) and well 8 was negative control (7/8). The own sample was from Chan Chak Kai. Fragment size of PCR product was estimated about 237bp in well 5.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 2 RFLP analysis of the ABO genotype of unknown N on agarose gel. Well 1 was blank, well 2 was 100bp ladder, well 3-6 were restriction enzyme digested PCR products, in which, well 3 was Kpn I, well 4 was BstE II, well 5 was Nar I and well 6 was BssH II. Size of base pair was showed in well 1 for measurement. Number of fragment in this result was 3 3 3 3. The fragment size in well 3 and 4 were about 70-80bp, 160-170bp and230-240bp. Well 5 and 6 were about 150-160bp, 260-270bp and 410-420bp.
2. Deduce the ABO genotypes based on the results obtained. Give reasoning of your