What part of Florence’s Problem is a micro-level problem?
-Florence experiencing and witnessing abuse by her parents, aunts, & uncles.
-Florence’s feelings of being disliked by her mother and aunt.
-Florence being depressed about employment & hanging her head down.
-Florence crying and feeling alone, after Dave’s death.
-Florence feeling alienated from her family.
What part of Florence’s problem is a mezzo-level problem?
-Florence’s mother being ill.
-Florence’s boyfriend dying in an accident.
-Florence’s daughter being removed from the home.
-Florence’s neighbors complaining of abuse of her daughter.
-Florence being isolated by her neighbors.
-Florence having companionship w/people …show more content…
I know from reading the explanations that it is not uncommon for a Chinese woman to consult her husband on important issues. The client’s problems can get worse, because she does not express herself much. The only issue I’m trying to address is the doctors seeing signs of depression. The client found the talk to be helpful and needs an outlet to avoid problems at home. According to our textbook , the professional should follow the three-step process by describing the client’s behavior w/o judging, tell the client how they understood the behavior, and ask if the perception was correct (Summers, 2016).
4.) I’m thinking it’s very common in the Vietnamese culture to consult their family before making life-altering decisions. The reading passages reference the fact that group needs are taken into more consideration than individual. I believe the client is reluctant about moving away without family approval. The only issue I have is the client should make the ultimate decision for herself about college, but she doesn’t need to take any further measures without communicating with her family. A professional’s job is to be supportive and work with the client to achieve their favorable end result (Summers, …show more content…
We know from reading the explanations that the Mexican cultures relate problems with mental health with sin and lack of religious faith. My issue is that this belief stops the client from seeking medical attention immediately. This client needs treatment for being depressed and the family needs to be able to recognize crucial signs. I have no problem with the cultures beliefs, but the elderly aunt’s health needs to be the main priority now. A professional can’t review the situation one-sided and have to identify the client’s issues from their perspective (Summers,