MILLERSBURG — A Wooster man on Tuesday admitted to stealing a truck from a Hardy Township residence in April. Scott B. Saffell, 39, of 135 Leroy Court, pleaded guilty in Holmes County Common Pleas Court to grand theft of a motor vehicle. In exchange for his guilty plea, the state dismissed related charges of theft and receiving stolen property. Sentencing is scheduled for March 2, at which time Saffell faces up to 18 months in prison; however, the state indicated it would not object to placement at the Stark Regional Community Correction Center treatment facility.…
WOOSTER — Family members, longtime friends, fellow pastors and law enforcement officials gathered in the basement of the Wayne County Justice Center recently to wish a tireless worker farewell as he headed into retirement. “His heart was always in the right place,” Capt. James Richards said of the Rev. Lee Anderson, the chaplain of the Wayne County Jail for the past 41 years who was retiring. Richards read a passage from the New Testament about how Jesus thanked his followers for feeding him, caring for him, clothing him and visiting him in prison. Not recalling when they ever did those things to Jesus, his followers asked when did they do it.…
Max Jennings is a fine singer from Miami, Florida; who can also play the flute, the piano, and even the drums. a. Hyphenate fine singer b. Remove the semicolon c. Change the semicolon to a comma d. Remove the comma after piano 1 points Question 2 If you had kept your opinion of Keri's golf swing to yourself, she probably wouldn't have hit you over-the-head with her club! a. Hyphenate golf swing b. Change the comma to a semicolon c. Remove the hyphens in over-the-head d. Replace the exclamation point with a question mark 1 points Question 3…
Case Study of a DJ: James Brown By Alvin Wilson Funky Drummer: There is a section where James Brown, the drummer and the sax come together in a beautiful and interesting manner. This portion of the song is from 3:38-3:56. It has that infectious riff. This portion when looped to create a chorus would surely get the crowd going incessantly. The beginning of the track which had the drummer hitting the rims (rim shot) with the electric guitar intro and the organ joining in later would make for a great intro to any song.…
Ali Watson is a 32-year-old tall, thin, Caucasian hostess working at Hooters. She was arrested by police on Saturday morning at the Eaton Center Mall. The shop owner called the police and reported that Ali had been acting hysterical. The store owner tried to calm her down, but she had reacted aggressively and was verbally abusive to him. The store owner said, “She came into my store and sampled our colognes.…
The worker contacted Alvin Hulbutta the father of Betty Hulbutta. Mr. Hulbutta stated “The children are well taken care of their clean, always well dressed, and well fed and they always have parent supervision. “ Marcus and Betty don’t drink or do any drugs and they take good care of the children.” Mr. Hulbutta stated “I received a call from DHS a few months ago about so false allegations it was all false, I believe Betty’s mother is the one call DHS and spreading…
Even though violence may be used, the main point of is for material gaining. The social gang/group is most of the time a permanent group of youths who generally exist in the pact with society. In difference to the common character of a gang/group generated crime self reported studies have revealed that youth crimes is a personal thing. Making young people pay with their lives for a certain crime has a very long history in the U.S. dating back to the 17th century. When a 16 year old boy became the first juvenile sentenced to death in colonial America.…
Tashley Fonrose 301004290 Question 1 As the book opens, Cedric Jennings is a high school student at Ballou. Ballou was located in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods. Regardless of the school’s location, Cedric was still an honor student who still faced some challenges. At Ballou, they have assemblies to congratulate the students have received good grades, but everyone tries to avoid these assemblies to get away from the teasing.…
Overall, cognitive behavioral therapy and medicinal treatments are essential tools for those trying to combat the effects of OCD. Like Melvin Udall’s case, it often happens that different treatment types work for different people in each individual case. Despite the fact that both treatments have demonstrated the ability to reduce the symptoms of OCD, there are still percentages of people who experience little to no relief and are not impacted greatly by either treatment method. With this truth, the question Melvin asked his OCD doctor during the film becomes extremely pertinent. So “Is this as good as it gets?”…
Tommy Murphy is a nine-year-old boy who has been medically diagnosis of AD/HD and he takes medication for. Tommy is in the 4th grade and attends Parkview Elementary School. He currently has an Individual Educational Plan because of a learning disability. He also receives speech services at school twice a week. Tommy is currently placed in a Special Day Class (SDC)…
Drop-outs Vs. Degrees In the article “Blue-Collar Brilliance”, Mike Rose argues against the need for a formal education by giving examples of his own family, mainly his mother and uncle, Rose states that many often closely associate intelligence with traditional schooling even though there are many examples of people that drop out of school and still live ‘successful’ lives. While some of Rose’s points are well supported and agreeable his overall argument for the dismissal of general education is, in my view, incorrect and should not be applied in the education system.…
Cairns Sunboys Cairns Sunboys is a social group which provides men an opportunity to be nude with other guys. Sunboys is neither a club nor an organisation, just a group, and it is open to men from all and any walks of life. There are no restrictions regarding shape, size, ethnicity or sexuality. The only requirement is that participants be over 18 years of age and agree to the strict no sex policy at group functions.…
In the Charles Cullen case, I do feel all hospitals should be liable. It is their duty to screen their medical staff, ensure proper training as well as maintain compliance with state regulatory mandates. In most cases human error and death are part of a hospital environment, but Cullen was under suspicion from his first nursing job. St. Barnabas suspected him, they could have stopped him early in his career taking his nursing license due to his indiscretions at their facility, but the did not. Throughout the book we see Cullen had no problem getting a position once he was let go from a previous.…
“Do you think we’re all just products of our environments?” His smile dissolved into a smirk, with the left side of his face resting at ease. “I think so, or maybe products of our expectations.” “Other’s expectations of us or our expectations for ourselves?” “I mean others’ expectations that you take on as your own.”…
Jamie Turner at MLI, Inc. 1. How did Turner get himself into this particular predicament? ANSWER There are many reasons contributing to the Turner’s current situation: • Cardullo had made false promises of giving him the autonomy of Marketing department, which Turner believed abruptly. • Turner was granted a hefty pay for the new job, which made him join the job.…