May 05, 2009 Legal History: Howard D. Brunson the plaintiff filed a four count complaint in the Supreme Court of New Jersey against Affinity Federal Credit Union and Wilcox for being liable to him for malicious prosecution (Count 1); That Wilcox was liable to plaintiff to negligence (Count 2): That Affinity was liable to plaintiff in hiring of Wilcox (Count 3); and that the person who actually committed the crime was liable to the plaintiff in negligence. (Count 4). Affinity and Wilcox moved for entry of summary judgement in their favor and wanted the case dismissed because they plaintiff had failed to appear for a deposition or a response to a notice which was in lieu of subpoena. Even though the plaintiff objected the trial court granted both motions.…
I. Introduction This is a civil action due to an incident involving a park ranger and UH graduate engineer and his friends at Hawaii State park. The main party being held liable in this civil suit is the UH graduate engineer. Defendant Michael Nishimoto (“Defendant” or “Michael”) argues that this is nothing more than an unfortunate campfire event that accidentally injured Lehua Ching (“Plaintiff” or “Mrs. Ching”), park ranger in her line of duty and he should not be held liable. Also, Defendant argues that Mrs. Ching is a professional rescuer and is barred by the Firefighter rule to seek recovery.…
Maussner v Atlantic City Country Club 691 A.2d 826 (1997) Facts of case- The plaintiff (golfer) was playing golf with his friends, but then it started to rain and not just raining but thundering as well. He and his friends were making their way back to the golf course when the plaintiff and his friend got struck by lightning on the defendant’s (golf course owner and operators). The plaintiff and the friend managed to live, but the plaintiff was left with serious injuries. The plaintiff then proceeded to sue the owner of the golf course for negligence because the golf course had no shelters for him to take cover, the safety procedures for thunderstorms were put up after the defendant got struck by lightning as well as there were no devices…
Champion v. Gray, 478 So. 2d 17, 20 (Fla. 1985), overruled in part by Zell v. Meek, 665 So. 2d 1048 (Fla. 1995). In Champion, the plaintiff’s decedent heard the impact of the car crashing into her daughter and ran to the scene of the incident.…
He made sure that the father and the son was rushed to the hospital and others that were hurt and took statements. By the look of the crash he explained the bus ran into the plaintiff…
Krouse v. Graham 19 Cal.3d 59, 562 P.2d 1022, 137 Cal. Rptr. 863 Facts: The Krouse family was returning from a grocery shopping trip and their car was parked on the curb. When Elizabeth (the wife) and Vinka Mladinov (neighbor) were returning to shut the door of the car, Graham hits a curb and rear ends the parked car. This results in the hitting the neighbor (Mladinov) and Elizabeth (the mother).…
The witness was a passenger on the upper deck and was struck in the face by a tree branch sustaining a disfiguring facial injury. The witness tried the case against the insured and was awarded a verdict of $3,515,986 (claim # 22717*2013*16). Based on the events of this loss, the plaintiff’s counsel will argue, the insured had prior notice and failed in their duty to warn their passengers of the hazardous condition. The other issues that were detrimental to the insured’s defense, was the safety manager’s testimony; who acknowledged, the insured’s maintenance department was directed to post warning signs on the bus, however, this was never…
The issue is the following: Are similarly situated college applicants being treated dissimilarly on the basis of race in violation of the 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause? The holding is that similarly situated college applicants are being treated dissimilarly on the basis of race. The Supreme Court finds in favor of Abigail Fisher. The plaintiff has been injured by the actions of the defendant.…
Causing or allowing to exist a dangerous condition on the grounds; c. Failing to warn of a dangerous condition for which Congden and Maple knew or should have known existed on the grounds; d. Failing to use the care and caution that a reasonably prudent person would in the circumstances then and there existing. As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants’ acts and/or omissions, the Plaintiff has suffered injuries and damages as set forth above, all of which are in direct violation of the common law and Statutes of the State of South Carolina. 15. Ameche is therefore informed and believes that he is entitled to judgment against Congden and Maple for actual and general damages as well as punitive damages. WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Carl Ameche, prays for judgment against the Defendants, Margie Congden, Leroy Congden, and Maple Meadows Campground, for actual, consequential, special, and punitive damages in an amount to be determined by a jury, and for such other relief as the Court may deem just and proper.…
Disposition: Reversed. This decision is of importance because it establishes the idea of proximate cause as a limit on the scope of tort liability. Which means that the person can only be held liable for harm that is a reasonably foreseeable result of the wrongful act.…
Question 1 Area of the Tort law: Negligence Liability Material Facts: Benji v Parramatta Storms Rugby League Club, Jack and Bronco (Personal Injury- Head)/ Negligence act. Benji (Plaintiff), a first grade league player of Western Tigers Rugby League Football Club was severely injured following a spear tackle by Parramatta Storms Rugby League Club’s (first defendant) players Jack and Bronco (second and third defendants). Benji was therefore forced into career retirement at his peak due to negligent acts of the defendant. Subsequently, National Rugby League charged the second and third defendant with having made a dangerous throw, to which they pleaded guilty. Issues: The most pertinent issue at hand is the fact that whether the defendants…
In Louisiana, Lillie would be able to recover under Louisiana Civil Code article 2315, which states in pertinent part “Every act whatever of man which causes damage to another obliges him by whose fault it happened to repair it.” La. C.C. 2315 allows someone who has been wronged, to be compensated for the damage caused to him or her. In order to recover under La. C.C. art. 2315, an intentional tort must have been committed. In the present case, Joe has committed the intentional tort of battery. A battery is defined as harmful or offensive contact with a person, resulting from an act intended to cause the plaintiff to suffer such a contact.…
The carpet is a foreseeable factor as the walkway can have these wrinkles. Furthermore, under Judge Andrew’s dissenting opinion, Myra can be part of the “any” consequences that naturally flow from defendant’s conduct. Thus, Myra may claim her proximate causation is satisfied. Plaintiff must prove actual damages for there to be negligence claim. Otherwise, there can be no negligence claim.…
PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT AGAINST DANIELS Roosevelt Cannady alleges that on or about April 2, 2015, he was struck by construction scaffolding as he entered a store owned by Saving Incorporated d/b/a Dodge’s Store (Dodge’s Store) and/or Savings Oil Company. He claims that Defendant James Daniels d/b/a ABC Contracting Services (Daniels) was performing construction on the store’s roof at the time, and Daniels’s negligence during construction was the direct and proximate cause of his injuries. On February 26, 2016, Cannady filed a lawsuit against Dodge’s Store, Savings Oil Company, and Daniels. Cannady alleges that Daniels was negligent because he allowed an unsafe condition to exist at the store, knew or should have known of the unsafe condition, and he did not remedy the unsafe condition.…
A tort is a civil wrong that are done by one party against another or causes someone else to suffer loss or harm resulting for the person who commits the act. Tort law decides whether a person should be held legally responsible for injury against another, and what type of compensation the injured party is entitled to. There are 4 elements to tort law which are duty, breach of duty, causation and injury.…