I always had trouble on figuring out what I truly want to accomplish in this world through my career. The help of career fitter, which is an online career assessment, was very beneficial to my decision. Marketing manager was my result and it prove to be the dream career that seems achievable for me. This will require a lot of hard work that is necessary in order to become a marketing manager. Education and experience is a huge requirement for this career. During my intensive research on Georgia Career Information System and United States Department of Labor improve my knowledge in the career that I decided to pursue. Marketing managers have many responsibilities such as, monitor, reviewing and report on all marketing activity and results. Many clients depends on marketing manager to keep their companies in great …show more content…
The first duties that I found appealing is that marketing manage all marketing for the company and activities within the marketing department. The broad scope of this task requires us to interact heavily with various departments for the firm, including research and development, manufacturing, supply chain, sales and legal compliance. This displays a huge responsibility and leadership role. I was once second in command in my junior reserve officer training corps class and I had to supervise different groups in the organization. My second like is that marketing managers engage consumers on social media. Social media is a platform that I am always on. Social media allows you to contact to your prospective customers with personal touch. During my research, I found two duties that I am not looking forward to during my career. My first dislike is knowing the English language. This includes the meaning, spelling of the word, rules of composition, rules of composition, and grammar. Writing is my major weakness, but I will improve my writing so my customers or employee 's will know that I am capable of being a marketing manager. My second dislike is that marketing manager have to an extreme amount of traveling. Substantial travel is often required to conduct focus groups and interview customers. My founding came from Georgia Career Information System and United States Department of