Captains of Industry were people who became extremely rich during the industrial revolution. For example, Milton Hershey became wealthy for selling his caramels and chocolates, then later used his wealth to benefit others. Similarly, in the passage “Let There Be Light” by Tom Fitzpatrick, Andrew Carnegie is described as hardworking, ambitious, and selfless. To begin, Carnegie is hardworking. For example, when Fitzpatrick is describing Carnegie’s early life, he shares with the reader, “Andrew Carnegie went to work in a textile factory at the age of 13, after only five years of education” (12).…
As the years past after the civil war between the Confederates and the Union, the United States prospered as new inventions would be created and help the states become more industrialized. But also it created some of the richest people that would later basically rule the United States with their capability of bribing/buying their representatives and being able to have more money than the government. These people who became the richest person during their own time period were Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and JP Morgan. The inventors had a huge impact from changing the ways to how everyday life would be and how it would be done. The major components of the second industrial revolution that helped the economical…
John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were two wealthy entrepreneurs during this time. They are known to have helped shape the beauty that others outside America saw. These two men were also thought to be indifferent to the sufferings that the poor population endured. Carnegie tried to respond to…
During the late 19th century and early 20th century, corruption was widespread among industries and businesses in the United States. Monopolistic businesses during this time thrived and flourished, specifically the large ones. Many American industrial leaders of the time earned the right to be called “Captains of industry”, even if the way they acted was that of a “Robber Baron” It’s impossible to put these people into only one category, because without one the other can’t be present. The way these leaders would act as “Robber Barons” would merely be a stepping stone for moving themselves and ascending to a leadership position. Additionally, by labeling these industrial leaders as “Captains of Industry”, you are emphasizing the good…
John D. Rockefeller was born July 8, 1839 and was very serious minded and religious. Early in his life he decided he wanted to start a business career so him and his friend went into the trading business. Later on in 1867 Rockefeller entered the oil business. Rockefellers actions in the oil business showed he was a captain of industry. Rockefellers actions showed he was a captain of industry in many ways.…
However, many also saw the practices as revolutionary to American business and saw the businessmen as ‘Captains of Industry’ for their good work and innovate practices. (Doc C-2). This is the title the businessmen of the Gilded Age worked hard to deserve. In the 19th century, the upper class grew.…
In the Gilded Ages, I believe the American business owners were considered both the captains of industry and robber barons. If you were a captain of industry, you were a business owners that had a positive effect on the American economy while being a robber baron meant the exact opposite. Robber barons were business owners that had a negative effect on the American economy. I think there were captains of industry but there were also robber barons.…
Andrew Carnegie was born on November 25th, 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland. Sixty six years later, he would own the most enormous steel corporation in the world and become the richest man of his time. He started as a poor Scottish boy earning $1.20 a week working in a factory but was able to build one of the most successful industries in history. He is a captain of industry for three reasons. First off, his business, the Carnegie Steel Company, dominated the American scene by revolutionizing steel production in the United States.…
By 1898 Carnegie had steel buildings and was becoming a monopolist. He owned over 5 steel companies and by 1899 he formed them to become Carnegie Steel. This was huge for Andrew Carnegie. Slowly but surely he was becoming one of the wealthiest men in the world. In 1900, Carnegie Institute of Technology was established.…
Given these points, I believe Andrew Carnegie was a Captain of Industry. He built schools, libraries, and even assured jobs to his workers. Even though he was human and showed his Robber Baroness he was not a bad man, and was truly a Captain of Industry. Andrew Carnegie believed “A man who dies rich dies disgraced,” which is something to remember when thinking about the actions he took in his life.…
The philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie did not make him a hero because he did not demonstrate integrity and concern for others, traits that every hero should have. The paper Carnegie is holding out to his workers on Document D says “NOTICE: Wages reduced 20%.” In the cartoon there is also a caption that reads: “FORTY-MILLIONAIRE CARNEGIE AND HIS GREAT DOUBLE ROLE. As the tightfisted exploiter he reduces wages that he may play philanthropist and give away libraries etc.” What the author means by this is that he is cutting the wages of the workers so he can boost his reputation.…
Living life in Scotland during the 19th century was not uncomplicated, for there was much poverty. Although, there were still people who believed in the importance of working hard. William Carnegie, a handloom weaver and Margaret Carnegie, a shoe binder did all they could to live sufficiently. On November of 1835, Margaret gave birth to her first child, whom would later move on into being one of the most successful businessmen of his time. Andrew Carnegie, philanthropist and industrialist rose his way to the top, from earning $1.20 a week in a factory, to soon the most profitable businessmen in America.…
In the many centuries and decades that have passed us by there were many great philosophers. These brilliant minds created theories, examples, and opinions on topics that are still controversial in our time today. The two that I’d like to draw attention to are Andrew Carnegie and Karl Marx. Although, their opinions are similar they have different standpoints on the ways our economies would become more efficient. In the Gospel of Wealth, Carnegie’s views were open-minded.…
Andrew Carnegie made his fortune that dealt with steel, turning the industrial world into something completely new and different (PBS). With findings of steel came skyscrapers, railroads and even bridges which made the American Industry sky rocket to another level, all thanks to Andrew Carnegie (PBS). He was the creater and master behind it all, and behind things that we even use today. Without him, there would not be any jobs for the workers of this time. They should have accepted the inequality and great wealth in his hands because he is what started creating that time period for them, making their lives easier and more advanced.…
Although it is argumentative that some entrepreneurs of the mid-nineteenth century deserved to be crown Captains of Industry or labeled as Robber Barons, John D. Rockefeller should have been honorably regarded as a Captain of Industry due to his account on strengthening the U.S’s economy by investing in blooming American industry and becoming one of the most respected philanthropist. At the same time, his fellow businessman, Cornelius Vanderbilt was suitable of the title Robber Barons for his hated reputation and lack of charitable efforts. Post-Civil War, the United States experienced with economic boom in which business leaders dedicated themselves in ensuring the government to be kept out of their businesses. In fact, the United States’…