Ingrained in this document are the values of the nation, ones that Canada displays on the world’s stage, that developed our country’s reputation. This document clearly shows Canada’s value for its people’s welfare and their multicultural heritage. This is especially apparent in the Canadian Multiculturalism Act. The importance of this act and its influence are defined by Multiculturalism Policy, which recognizes “the understanding that multiculturalism reflects the cultural and racial diversity of Canadian society and acknowledges the freedom of all members of Canadian society to preserve, enhance and share their cultural heritage,” among others. This policy reveals the importance of multiculturalism to Canada, as well the importance of equality and human rights. Multiculturalism is an important aspect of Canada’s global image, reflecting the varied cultural histories of its citizens and the accepting attitude of the nation and its …show more content…
The North American Free-Trade Agreement, created in 1994, was a step for Canada towards fostering a better relationship with other North American countries, while also improving the economic prosperity of the country. Although “NAFTA was bold, innovative, risky, and controversial from the start,” the trade agreement paid off for the nations involved. The effect of the trade agreement on Canada’s economy was visible between the 1980s and the 1990s: “exports as a percentage of GDP moved from about 25 percent to 40 percent, and some years even a good deal higher than that.” In the 1980s, before NAFTA was passed, the Canadian government was running a deficit, however, that moved into a surplus after the trade agreement was signed. The increase in these figures shows the positive effects the free trade agreement had on Canada’s economy, allowing it to flourish in solidarity instead of fragment in isolation, establishing Canada’s global image as an economic