The Supreme Court of Canada is the foundation of Canadian Law in our society. It keeps the criminals at bay, and the innocent free. In my opinion, the Supreme Court of Canada does it’s job in upholding a high standard of effectiveness and success. It effectively balances the rights of individuals against the needs of society The case R v. Tran, 2010 SCC 58, [2010] 3 S.CE. 350 clearly portrays the effectiveness of the Supreme Court of Canada.…
Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louise McKinney, Henrietta Muir Edwards created a petition to send to the Canadian government regarding what the word “persons” was considered in the BNA Act. The five’s petition was turned…
The Supreme Court of Canada is the highest court in Canada, the final court of appeal, and the last legal resort for all litigants; therefore, the Supreme Court of Canada decisions are the ultimate expression and application of Canadian law (Supreme Court of Canada tour). The landmark decision by the Supreme Court of Canada in the R v. Keegstra case regarding the freedom of expression portrays the theoretical concepts behind the court’s ruling as it is the job of the court to deliver a fair decision to the parties involved, as well as a decision that maintains law and order in society. The R v. Keegstra ruling contains insights from the consensus theory and the labelling theory, as the decision of the court was in the interest of the public. To better understand a criminal law case and come up with a conclusion, the theory used must have a valid structure and must follow the rules of critical thinking and logic (Boyd, Cartwright and Heidt, 2015: 120). Also, the purpose of the criminal law must be understood as criminal law serves a purpose, which takes into account some theoretical aspects of the consensus theory and…
The preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom states, “Canada is grounded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God” (Russell 1999). According to Russell (1999), this can also be considered the “God-clause.” The three articles discuss this notion of stating “the supremacy of God” in the preamble of the Canadian Charter. Although the articles have different views about the preamble, I highly agree with Russell’s (1999) article titled, “The Supremacy of God does not belong in the Constitution”. To begin with, Russell’s (1999) overall argument is that ‘God’ should not be mentioned in the preamble of the Canadian Charter.…
The Saskatchewan Bill of Rights was considered to have a formative influence on John Diefenbaker, who was from Prince Albert and later became Prime Minister. In 1960 he successfully introduced the Canadian Bill of Rights, so Saskatchewan’s…
But when the Statute of Westminster was declared on December 11, 1931, it signed Canada’s status as an independent nation for almost ninety years. The sense of pride felt by most Canadians, with all of their nation’s accomplishments and fights for freedom, liberty, and autonomy brings together a sense of nationhood where there previously was very little. Lastly, Canada’s autonomy affected the most Canadians, because it affected all Canadians. Any citizen would be proud to be part of the nation with such a rich history that resulted in alliances, sovereignty, and…
A recurring theme prior to the advent of the Canadian Bill of Rights (1960) is that courts dealt with human and civil rights cases almost exclusively on the basis of jurisdiction. The common neglect for the principle of equality in these decisions hindered the expansion of rights to the afflicted groups. This paper will provide an overview of three landmark cases that were decided on jurisdictional basis and did little to advance the rights of the disenfranchised. In 1899 the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council established the exclusivity principle in Union Colliery Company of British Columbia v Bryden.…
The British North America Act, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms have created a situation in which the legislation to protect the people from the power of the Court is muddled down, and what is left is an oligarchy of people from one singular ethnic background and very similar socializations. The ability of the Court to strike-down legislation written by a democratically elected commons defies the will of the people. Thus subjecting them to live by what another body believes ought to be morally and legally right, showing that this institution challenges the democratic values of Canada, and is operating with an excessive amount of…
Poverty in Canada: An Issue of Human Rights How would someone survive if they couldn 't find a job? Even if they could, what if that job wasn 't enough to support them and their family? This is the reality that many people in poverty face, just trying to survive in Canada. They may be poor, but they aren 't recognized unless they 're sitting on a street corner begging for money, or on an advertisement for the poor in a third-world country.…
In Canada Women’s right has been improved enormously. After WWII due to their participation in war, women were starting to be treated more fairly than before, but not equally as men. There were many factors that oppressed women in their daily life. Since the 1950s, many individuals and groups of women’s fought to improve women equal rights and attempt to involve in social, environmental and political roles equivalent to men. In the last 60 years, Canada has taken steps to improve women’s right; introducing the equal pay for equal work Act, allowing women to participate and have a high position in politics, and one of the biggest steps Canada has taken to improve women’s right is included equal treatment for men and women in The Charter Rights and Freedom.…
In today’s Canadian society, people are certain that the Criminal justice system with their almighty position and power has the responsibility to protect and serve the community. That being said, the fundamental purpose of the creation of criminal law is to maintain order within society and punish those who deviate beyond the social and legal norms (Robinson & Cahill, 2005). The idea of an innocent individual being wrongfully convicted of a criminal act committed by another person is astounding. The sole purpose of the system is to restrain those who are deemed deviant or mischiefs and are to be held accountable for their actions through the criminal justice system. Therefore, not to restrain the freedom of the individuals who are innocent.…
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms was established in 1982 and since its creation it has made a huge impact on the legal and political landscape of Canada. Some believe that the Charter has undermined democracy and put too much power into the hands of the courts that are not elected by the people. Some also contest that the Canadian courts are becoming lawmakers and are becoming activists. However, these claims have little truth when looking at what the Supreme Court has accomplished since the enactment of the Charter. The courts use and distribute their power conservatively because of how it effects the Canadian political landscape.…
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms can be seen as all-encompassing, and yet, it does not dictate the rules to follow regarding a major component of each person’s life: employment. Or does it? A vast portion of our lives in Canada is spent working, and regardless of the work environment, we interact with other people who may or may not come from the same backgrounds and ideologies as we do. With no specific terminology in the Charter that includes employment law, we must look between the lines and find the connections that lay within. The Charter provides the roadmap for Canadian principles and social values; it lays out the rights and freedoms we have as a people, and promotes the protection of those human rights through its laws.…
In the House of Commons, issues of the day are examined, the government is held accountable, and policies and laws are decided on. Therefore, it is important that issues and legislation get discussed thoroughly and in great detail, thus, committees are tools for further examination. The most recent and most prominent committee in the House of Commons is the Special Committee on Electoral Reform. The special committee was tasked to investigate reforms to Canada’s electoral system. However, after releasing its final report, the committee was criticized for not doing enough work and giving vague recommendations.…
Since the adoption in 1971, the Multiculturalism policy has been greatly debated about it’s expediency in Canadian society. Founded by settler two settler societies, Canada has been built on a foundation on cultural an ethnic diversity. Today, Canada has certainly become a nation of immigrants, but prior to the European colonization of Canada, a predominately homogenous ethnic group occupied Canada, the Aboriginals (or First Nations Peoples). Today after being dominated by Western European culture, Canada in now the home to a vast array of ethnic and culturally diverse peoples. Defining Canadian identity has proved to be a difficult task.…