Canada’s Economics
Canada’s economy creates resources, it uses land, it provides the country with money, goods and services and it employs citizens. All these factors help to define Canada’s identity. About one hundred years ago Canada was identified as a country of farmers, fishers, hunters and loggers. Along with these industries Canada is now known for its mining and for supplying gas and oil to the world. Canada currently has a diverse economy with employment in many industries including manufacturing, services, finance and high technology. As century’s passed we turned from a nation of farmers, fishers, hunters and loggers to now a country identified by its diverse economy and vast …show more content…
Canada is ranked as having the third largest oil reserve in the world. This industry has created many jobs in Canada supplying seventy five thousand jobs and generating ninety- one billion dollars in 2012. The Canadian Energy Research Institute predicts that the industry will continue to grow and will supply more than nine hundred thousand jobs in the next 25 years. The oil and gas industry is very important for Canada’s economy, but this industry also has devastating environmental effects. Areas like parts of the boreal forest have been dug up for oil sands below and barely any of the original landscape has been restored. The extraction also increases greenhouse gas emissions and many people are opposed by the production. So well Canada’s economy has been benefiting tremendously from this industry the environmental impacts have been profuse. It is hard to figure out whether this is affecting Canada’s identity for better or worse. Even though Canada supplies many countries with oil and gas this industry can also identify Canada as environmentally …show more content…
I personally have family members across the world and social media allows me to share and view pictures of my cousins and other family members who I see infrequently. Many people also use social media to find the latest news in the world rather than reading the newspaper. Social media also has negative effects and has created cyberbullying. Hiding behind a computer screen many adolescents feel empowered to bully and hurt other people to extreme points. Cyberbullying has even caused an increase in teen suicide rates. For all these reasons social media has become incredibly powerful in Canada and many citizens check at least one form of social media every day. It is definitely historically significant since many people use and are affected by social media all around the world. Due to its usage and historical significance social media affects Canada’s