In the essay, “Advertisements R Us”, Rubin goes on …show more content…
Rubin states “We can learn a great deal about the prevailing culture by looking closely at the deliberate ways a company crafts an ad to particular audiences” (246). Although both Hill and Rubin presents their evidence through visuals, Rubin largely relies on her factual evidence of the ad rather than through making unverified claims like Hill. These facts include her knowledge and research of the time period that the Coca-Cola ad was created in; she analyzes the problems of the society in that time period and makes a logical judgement of how the ad was portrayed to affect the Coca-Cola audience. Rubin writes, “By placing the servicemen so prominently, Coca-Cola emphasizes their important role in society” (249). This example of Rubin’s evidence corresponds with the current situation of America being that they were in war in this time period. Rubin’s analysis of the image in the ad parallels with the history of the time period making the evidence even more …show more content…
In Hill’s essay she exerts authority by speaking as if she was speaking for everyone who had ever read “Calvin and Hobbes”. Hill also feels as if she has the authority to speak on this matter because she went through a situation similar to Calvin’s. She writes “…he taught an entire generation of children…” implying and assuming that every kid in that generation was taught the same lesson she had learned from the comic (244). Just like Hill, Rubin also displays a confidence when she boldly writes “The way that Coca-Cola chooses to place the objects and depict men and women in this ad speaks volumes about American society in the middle of the twentieth century” (249). Rubin’s evidence that she provides correlates with the history of this period allowing Rubin to have strong, solid authority. Both Hill and Rubin have the authority to write the way they do because their appeals and evidence have allowed them to do