Don't get me wrong they're both always beautifully warm all the time. Which is the best part of it all. who wouldn't want it …show more content…
Florida has the humidity heat but california had the dry heat which is way better. Florida is terrible its not a good heat. Once anyone steps outside it starts to feel sticky and start sweating its not the best feeling in the world. It kind of sucks because once someone starts feeling like that then no one wants to go outside and play or hang out or anything, except go to a water park or the beach. It just ruins activities outdoors unless the activity involves water then everything will be okay. Especially after it gets done raining then the humidity gets really bad and then hair starts to frizz up and sweat happens and its just nothing fun to happen.
California overall still seems better than florida. Their family out there and there's so many different things to do. Florida just seems to calm and doesn't really have anything fun to do. The weather is amazing i wouldn't have to suffer in the cold its always summer all year round. Yes the down side is traffic but that can be looked aside, its still better than florida. It's just a place to call home. California is huge if anyone gets tired of it they can go explore the rest of california, it's a huge state with tons of things to