What causes this disorder?
A chromosomal mutation called translocation. Translocation is when the chromosome breaks and a portion of that chromosome reattaches to another chromosome. This chromosome that is affected by this is the 8 and 14 chromosome pair.
What are the symptoms?
Night Sweats
Swollen lymph nodes
Weight loss
Distortion of facial bones
COLUMN 6: Back of Brochure
What kind of assistance do you need?
Watchful waiting
Radiation therapy
Stem Cell translations
What is the long term outlook?
Response to therapy
Child’s age and health
Tolerance to the medications
New developments
Could this disorder have been prevented?
This disorder can not be prevented. …show more content…
Cancer of the lymphatic system.
Kaelli Zacchini Period 8
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How is it inherited?
You can not inherit Burkitt’s Lymphoma from your parents. You can’t “catch” it either. This disorder is not passed down genetically. Since this disorder is known in Africa, scientists believe that this disorder is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus in children with immune systems weakened by chronic malaria, which is popular in Africa. This is what causes the chromosomal mutation of translocation.
Are there prenatal tests for this disorder?
You can get a bone marrow biopsy, chest x-ray, and CT scan of the chest.
Are there any treatments or cures?
Chemotherapy is used to treat this type of cancer. If the cancer does not respond to the chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant can be done.
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How can people be affected?
People with HIV have a higher chance of getting this disorder. Children and adults can get this disorder. There are no cases in North America but they it is in Africa. It’s more popular over there because of the Epstein-Virus that children are receiving, which causes this disorder. In the picture below, it shows that in between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, is the part of the world that is affected by Burkitt’s