The body parts afflicted with damage include the inner surfaces of the arms, lower chest, and her right breast. Additionally, the extent of her injuries included a TBSA of 10%. TBSA will indicate the level of care needed for a burn victim. As stated previously, the patient had experienced a second-degree burn in which the site may appear red, swollen, and with blisters which can be very painful (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2017). The burn victim’s condition would eventually stabilize although the excruciating pain experienced during dressing changes had proven to be quite taxing. The patient’s parents had provided support and solace with frequent visits during her stay at the …show more content…
As explained further by Nicolosi, de Carvalho, Sabates, & Paggiaro (2013), “The potential complications that may result from a burn include pain, a feeling of paresthesia, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress, risk of suicide, physical problems arising from scar contractions, and social problems…” (p. 186). The nurse is responsible to aid the patient with both the physical and mental afflictions they may experience during this time. Additionally, the nurse is responsible for relaying any information regarding care to the parents as well. Parents may have concerns regarding scarring from the burns and how this may affect their child moving forward. The healing process should be focused on the whole family – relaying a message of hope regarding scarring from the burning as well as any psychological damage that may be caused by the traumatic