Why are all of the animals and plants in the Everglades decreasing by a huge amount? The Burmese pythons are one reason why all of the species in the Everglades are decreasing. The Burmese pythons are destroying other species in the Everglades in three ways, they are rapidly reproducing, endangering other species, and harming the food chain.
To start, the Burmese python population is rapidly reproducing for many different reasons. According to source five, “A female can lay as many as 100 eggs in one clutch, or nest.” (Source 5). This supports the main idea because if there are many females laying 100 eggs a day this will cause the population to increase rapidly. Also in the text it said, “Then these adorable hatchlings grow. And grow. And grow and grow and grow.” (Source 5). This shows that when they grow to be big they can also reproduce which is also causing their population to reproduce rapidly. All in all, the Burmese python population is rapidly reproducing because the females lay many eggs in one clutch, and can grow very quickly and large. …show more content…
According to the text, “Burmese pythons are carnivores and survive primarily on small birds and mammals.” (Source 1). This evidence supports the main idea because if they survive on these other species they are endangering them. Also from the text, “The pythons unique hinged Jaws allow it to swallow an object five times as wide as its own head.” (Source 1). This shows that if these pythons can swallow and object five times as wide as its own head, it will be endangering many more species than it should be able to. Altogether, the Burmese python population is endangering other species because they survive on only other species and they can eat way more than they should be able