An attending physician statement completed by Allison Willox, dated 11/22/2016, indicated that the claimant was incapacitated from 03/01/2016 - 07/04/2016. He was diagnosed with major depression. HE was noted to be depressed, confused, and mildly anxious.
An attending physician statement completed by Allison Willox, dated 11/29/2016, indicated …show more content…
He reported difficulty concentrating at work, trouble staying asleep, and panic attacks 3x a week with hyperventilation, chest discomfort, and rapid heartbeat. He was diagnosed with a moderate episode of recurrent major depressive disorder, and panic attacks. Bupropion HCl was recommended.
An attending physician statement completed by Michelle Guillot, PA-C (Family Medicine), dated 12/06/2016, indicated that the claimant was relieved of work duties from 11/07/2016 - 12/19/2016 and would be able to return to work on 12/19/2016. He was unable to work as he cannot communicate/interact adequately with co-workers and clients.
The claimant had an emergency department visit on 02/12/2017. He was assaulted the night prior the visit. He had injuries to the face, bilateral knee, and shoulder. Objective findings showed tenderness over the bilateral knee. There was facial tenderness with swelling and abrasion. He was diagnosed with a periorbital hematoma of the left eye, a muscle strain of the right shoulder, and contusion of the knee. Tramadol was recommended for …show more content…
A progress note from Dr. Sharman, dated 02/15/2017, indicated that the claimant presented for a follow-up regarding the assault. He had complaints of right knee and right shoulder pain. Objective findings showed superficial abrasions and minor contusions on the left forehead. He was diagnosed with a contusion of the face, abrasion of the right knee, and patellofemoral arthritis of the left knee. NSAID for pain was recommended.
An attending physician statement completed by Allison Willox, dated 05/25/2016, indicated that the claimant had difficulty concentrating and overreacts to stressful situations at times that limits his ability to solve problems and assist customers effectively. He was diagnosed with a major depressive disorder in partial remission. He was relieved of work duties from 04/16/2017 - 05/22/2017 and would be able to return to work on 05/24/2017.
A progress note from Dr. Sharman, dated 06/14/2017, indicated that the claimant reported that her mood and function had been worsening. Objective findings showed depressed mood with a flattened affect. Escitalopram and Bupropion were