Bruise Research Paper

Improved Essays
Bruises are common skin injuries that cause skin discoloration, medically referred to as a contusion. Bruises occur from an impact that causes blood vessels to be broken or damaged. After impact, blood leaks out into the top layers of the skin, referred to as ecchymosis to produce a purplish flat bruise. This type of injury is typically overlooked, but spontaneous bruising can indicate a serious bleeding tendency.
The cause of this injury is inflicting harsh contact with an area. This contract causes tiny blood vessels to burst, causing blood to leak into surrounding tissue. The signs and symptoms of a bruise are related to the appearance of this injury and changes over time. At first, the area where contact was inflicted appears to be red in color. Due to swelling, the skin’s appearance turns blue because the area that bruised resulted in oxygen disconnecting, which turns the hemoglobin (which gives blood its normal red appearance) to become blue. Usually a bruise is tender and even painful during the first couple of days. During the time span of a week the color of the bruise will turn to a greenish color because
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In most cases this concerns is truer for women because the capillary walls start to become frailer and the skin becomes thin. Overtime if a person has a tendency to bruise it can lead to serious medical conditions that need to be attended to. Other cases in which medical advices need to be pursued is if bruises are followed by swelling or severe pain, bruises occurring frequently, and if a bruise does not develop in a positive manner within two weeks, or fails to clear after a month. A test that doctors perform to check for skin cancer, infection, or other skin problems is skin biopsy. A doctor may want to have your blood tested to look for a bleeding disorder. Bruising can lead to the diagnosis of platelet function disorder, leukemia, chronic kidney failure, or celiac

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