Selfishness In Hurst And Gilb's Love In LA

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The magnificent stories have characters that make selfish acts to get the story rolling. Readers can always be surprised by how the character can overcome their wrongs. There are multiple degrees of greed within character in Hurst “Scarlet Ibis”, Matheson “Button Button”, and Gilb’s “Love in LA. The stories shows that everyone has selfishness inside them. With selfishness in each character the reader will not know what is gonna happen next because you never can tell if the character is gonna make the right choice or selfish choice. This pulls the reader in for them to try and find out what's gonna happen. In “Scarlet Ibis,” Hurst exemplifies Brother’s selfishness.. Brother does not want a brother who is disabled, and believes killing …show more content…
Norma’s husband tore the card in two and left the shreds on the table. Norma grabbed them to think about the salesman's offer. Shortly after, Norma put the shreds in her purse, shown by Matheson through the quote,“She dropped them in her purse.” (Matheson 106) She wants to know more for her personal benefit. Norma also takes everything a step further. She took the two halves and dialed the number to learn more about the possible deal. “She dialed a number.” (Matheson 107). She wants to know more for her personal benefit. She took the cover off the button and pressed it, because she did not believe it was real. . The narrator describes, “Reaching out, she pressed it down.”(Matheson 110) Thought only of her own …show more content…
Jake was daydreaming about his dream car when he hit the car in front of him, and was gonna try and get Selfishness is apart of them, not what people just think. In Each story some learn their lesson some don’t but the point is that Each character experiences selfishness. away but the traffic was too heavy to the point where she could catch up. “Jake considered driving past the Toyota but was afraid the traffic ahead would make it too difficult.”(Gilb 1) He just wanted to get away because he doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions. When she ask for his insurance he didn't have any, so he said he did. “Oh yea, he lied” (3) Makes his life easier so he doesn't have to deal with police. He had to give the girl his last name and address so he made them both up. “ He made up a last name and address….”(4)Does this to make sure he isn’t

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