The relationship between George and Lennie …show more content…
In The Scarlet Ibis, Brother and Doodle have an especially odd relationship. Brother at first did not like Doodle. When Doodle finally walked Brother thought to himself,"They did not not know that I did it for myself; that pride, for whose slave I was, spoke to me louder than all their voices, and that Doodle walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother"(489)The only reason that brother took care of Doodle is because Brother was ashamed of having a crippled brother, and he wanted to help him be normal."All of us must have something or someone to be proud of, and Doodle had become mine."(488)Brother eventually started to like Doodle and he was proud of Doodle. Brother cares for doodle but not out of the kindness of his heart, or to be a good person, he cares because he is selfish and does not wish to have a “crippled brother”. As the story progresses their bond strengthens and developed …show more content…
Brother was responsible for Doodle and his death, but in a different way than George was because George was responsible but he was doing a good thing for Lennie. Brother Was responsible for Doodle because he left him thinking only of himself,“The knowledge that Doodle's and my plans had come to naught was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened, I ran as fast as I could.”(493)Brother knew that Doodle couldn't take care of himself but he still left him alone in the rain, and Doodle ended up dying because brother wasn't there to protect him. Brother was the main person who looked after Doodle and was the only person who could've helped him but he chose not